Chapter 128: What a Blessing

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Things have been going great with Evan and Sarai as they are now one month away from their one year anniversary of being together.

She couldn't believe it's been an entire year already and what a beautiful year it has been. The ups and downs of her relationship and she wouldn't trade any of it for nothing in the world.

Evan has truly been a blessing in her life as he's taught and showed her so many things and even taught her about herself.

She couldn't be more pleased and excited to spend another year with the man she loves most. Evan for sure is blessed to have Sarai as he can't picture his life without her

Evan was in the kitchen cooking dinner for the two in only his boxers as Sarai hadn't came out of the room yet

By the time Evan was done she had made it to the table as he put her plate down in front of her. "It's about time you got in here, I thought I had to come drag you out myself." He said as he sat down

"I was just going over the last bit of my homework."

"Oh okay, how's trigonometry going?"

"Terrible, I got a B on my last test." She sighed

"That's not bad at all, cheer up you still have plenty of more tests to come and do great on them."

"Of course you never struggle with anything so you can't relate to anything I'm saying."

"No but I at least provide you with help and support. I listen to your feelings and love on you as much as I can."

"Yeah. At least I know you love me by the way you listen to me."

"And what is that supposed to mean exactly?"

"Well I don't know if you've noticed or not but the girls in our class are swooning over you." She started as Evan rolled his eyes and sighed

"Sarai, we've been through this a million times, I don't care about the other girls."

"I know, but there's a point I'm going to make just let me put it together for you.
Britt sits next to you in class and for some reason she's infatuated with your hair."

"What can I say? Girls love the curls." He chuckled

"Sure, anyway she didn't know that you and I are a couple and just assumed we're good friends. She told me that she thought you were really sexy and even dreamed of sleeping with you."

"Before you continue, this girl still sits next to me? Had that be me and some dude openly confessed to wanting to sleep with you, oh forget it. That motherfucka's dead, I couldn't be calm about that like you are right now."

"I'm not gonna lie and say that it didn't mess with my ego and self esteem. I'll admit she's a very attractive woman and looks wise she would be picked over me, so yes I did feel some type of way that this pretty woman wanted my man and I instinctively became even more territorial over you.
You finally came in the room and you could see all in her eyes and face that she wanted to talk to you, or for you to acknowledge her but you didn't. Instead you do what you normally do, put your arm over my shoulder, give me lots of kisses and burp in my ear, which I don't know why that's so funny to you." She said as he started laughing

"It's funny because of your reaction, eww babe don't do that, that's gross." He teased her
"You know me I like to keep things fresh in the relationship. You never know what you're going to get with me."

"I couldn't agree more and after a year of us being together, even though I'm still insecure about a few things, I know deep within my heart that you truly love me. I don't have to question your loyalty towards me, I truly admire that about you."

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