Chapter 76: Master Disaster

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"How was the date with Ms Annalise last night?" Landon asked

"It was actually very good, she's funny, smart and not to mention she's very attractive."

"Ooh you're falling in love already?" Landon teased as Evan nudged him and laughed

"Oh please, why on earth would I do such a thing like that?"

"That's true, I don't think it's humanly possible for you to even have a heart let alone show genuine feelings for others, my apologies."

"Now that hurts. I do have a heart and I show my love always, it's no secret that I love my family and I don't want to see anything happen to anyone, but there's always a limit to my kindness."

"Of course there's a limit to your kindness, you gotta make time to be an intolerable asshole."

"Enough about me, you been gettin' laid lately?" Evan asked

"Not to be rude but that's none of your business." Landon said as Evan smirked

"So I take that as a no."

"Again, none of your business."

"I now see why you're always angry, your hand isn't cutting it anymore." Evan snickered

"I'm not even going to entertain you with a reaction, you believe what you want but I know the truth and that's all that matters."

"Spoken like a real pimp. Let me find out my little brother got a stable of pussy you run through like clockwork."

"I'm smooth, you could learn a few things from me."

"Where's your father?" Trinity asked walking into the kitchen with the phone in her hand

"Out back with the new guy he hired for security." Landon answered

"Ok and by the way that looks good." She said pointing towards his Cheesecake he was decorating

"Try it."

"No no, I haven't eaten anything yet I'll wait until later."

"Who knew Landon is the Gordon Ramsey of baking, he can take Martha Stewart's job any day." Evan said as Trinity was thoroughly surprised

"Well look at you giving out compliments, that's the nicest thing I've ever heard you say towards Landon."

"Check his head, either he's running a fever and is delirious or he's high, either way I don't trust anything he says."

"Now Landon that wasn't very nice, you know Evan isn't the type to give compliments so at least you can do is accept it for what it is."

"Fine, but I still don't trust it." Landon shrugged as Evan grinned

"You two try not to kill each other while I go find your father." She said walking towards the back door. She saw Sebastian and another guy over by the fence as she then started walking towards them

When she got halfway there Sebastian noticed her as he turned around. "And this is my beautiful wife I was telling you about, babe this is Jimmy he'll be working security for us."

"Nice to meet you, so are things getting bad again?"

"Well not really, but it's part of the job. So what did you need?"

"I need your password for your credit card, I couldn't remember it." She said giving him the phone as he took it and sighed

"What are you buying now?"

"I need a new stand for my side of the closet to put my jackets, it's getting a bit crowded and I need the room."

"Wouldn't that be a sign to stop buying more stuff?" He asked as she giggled

"Absolutely not, you can never have too much nice things, duh." She said as he gave her back the phone

"Here, get your stand."

"Thank you." She said as she gave him a kiss

"You're welcome."

"And it was nice meeting you James."

"It's Jimmy."

"Jimmy, sorry just give me some time I'll get it right."

2 Years Later

Annalise and Evan have been an official couple for the past two years. A month after their first date Evan asked her to be his girlfriend and they've been together since

Evan planned on taking her on a special trip before they head off to college, but while he's out of school for awhile he took the opportunity to get his place together that Sebastian got for him as a graduation gift

"You're so lucky to have your own place, I wish I could get one when I turn eighteen." Amelia said as Evan scoffed

"Oh please you know dad is going to get you something way better than me, you're the spoiled one."

"Not if mom has anything to do with it, she won't let me out of her sight for nothing."

"Because you're her baby and the only girl so of course she's gonna be more protective of you and not easily let you go but she will understand, trust me it was hard for her to come to terms with me graduating and moving out but she's dealing with it, just give her some time."

"Well while you're away would it be cool if I can come stay here with a few friends?"

"Sure as long as you keep a watch on Loki for me, don't break anything and most importantly no dudes ever, then you're free to stay."

"No problem I can do that."

"So have you decided on which school you're going to?" Sebastian asked Evan as they sat at the table having dinner

"I'm still set on going overseas." He said as Trinity sighed

"Evan I'm not trying to discourage you from following your dreams but I don't think it's a good idea. Why go so far when everything you need is right here, your dad just got you your own place and you won't enjoy it because you're halfway around the world."

"I'm very thankful for my gift, really but I just feel my talent could be used elsewhere right now. I wouldn't be persistent if I didn't think this would work out, I'm determined to make things happen and to show you that I can do it."

"Ok I don't like it, but I'll support you regardless."

"Hey mom for my sixteenth birthday could I have my party at Flamingo." Amelia asked hopefully

"You're not old enough to be inside of a club."

"I know, daddy could rent the club for me and it'll just be us and my friends."

"Still no, if you want to go to a club then you wait until you're eighteen." Trinity said as Amelia smacked her lips and rolled her eyes

"Can't have any fun in this prison." She mumbled

"You keep giving me attitude young lady and you won't have a party of any kind."

"Mom this isn't fair! You never let me have any fun, I can't do anything around here!"

"Amelia I'm not having this conversation with you. You can whine and complain all you want but I'm not changing my mind and that's final." Trinity said as the table got quiet

"Ok well I think now is the perfect time for me to bring out the cake I made." Landon said getting up as did Evan

"I'll help you with it."

Ms Amelia is getting sassy with Trinity. Is Trinity right or wrong for not letting Amelia have her birthday party at a club?

Where do we go from here? Will Amelia change her attitude anytime soon?

I appreciate you all for coming back and reading this chapter and I hope you've enjoyed

Let me know what you think and I want to say hello to all my new followers and readers🤙🏽😁 welcome aboard

I'll catch you on the next update and as always be breezy,

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