Chapter 33: Who Are You

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"I gotta admit, the guy isn't half bad." Trinity said

"Yeah me too, I thought he'd be way weirder than what you described him as." Adrianna added

"May I ask who's contributing to the child support."

"They both are, plus he wants to be there when I have the baby."

"Are you gonna let him?"

"I guess." Marlena shrugged

"It's the least you could do, it saved you a whole lot of time with the sperm bank and you actually got to meet your gracious donor so you know exactly what you're child is going to be like."

"That's true, my luck getting random sperm is that they send me Charles Manson's shit, now I'll have a mixed neo-nazi, maniac running around."

"Thank goodness you avoided all of that." Adrianna said as they were heading back home a day early.

Trinity called Sebastian to see where he was as he took the boys out to eat which was perfect as she wanted to surprise him when he came home.

They drop Adrianna off first as they were now heading to drop off Trinity. When they pulled up to the house she got out all excited as she was hoping they were still gone.

The lights were out but some candles were lit on the counter. She thought nothing of it really as they light candles all the time

She went upstairs quietly because she didn't want to alert Sebastian. She smiled as she sat her bags down outside and slowly opened the door.

The balcony doors were open as she was about to head out there but looked over at the bed to see him buried under the covers on her side.

She playfully rolled her eyes as she slowly crept into bed. "Baby, you wanna have a little fun?" She said softly as she was pulling the covers back and saw long black hair sprawled across the pillow

"Welcome home, baby!" Tara said as she jumped up from underneath the covers but was shocked when she saw Trinity with a confused face

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Trinity yelled

"I'm Sebastian's soon to be wife, and who are you?"

"I'm Sebastian's wife, and why the fuck you in my bed, bitch!"

"No, he wouldn't marry you, he loves me I know he does." She said shaking her head

"You've got two seconds to get your ass out of my bed or else I'll throw you out."

"I'm not going anywhere!" Tara said sternly as Trinity angrily balled up her fist and punched Tara square in the face as she fell back out of the bed hitting the floor with a hard thud as Trinity rolled out of the bed

"And you got on my shit!" Trinity said as she kicked Tara in the face while Tara was trying to get up but Trinity went over to her and started ripping her lingerie off of Tara as she started screaming

Tara punched Trinity in the jaw and pushed her. She stumbled back and held her jaw as this only made her more upset. "You stupid bitch!" She yelled as she got on top of her and started choking her and slamming her head on the floor

Tara wiggles around on the ground reaching for anything to help her but instead she started pulling on Trinity's hair. "Get off of me you psycho." She choked out and scratched Trinity in the face

Momentarily Trinity let her go as Tara crawled away and got up to leave. Trinity jumps up and grabs a fistful of her hair, "You ain't going nowhere!" She said about to punch her again, Tara blocked and pushed Trinity into the wall knocking down the pictures and breaking things as this time Tara starting choking Trinity

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