Chapter 92: Thanksgiving

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"It's about time you got up, I was beginning to get a little worried." Trinity said as Evan came downstairs and went towards the fridge

"Loki wouldn't go to sleep, so I stayed up with him." He yawned as he got a bottle of water

"Everyone is going to be down here any minute, the last thing we need is to have an eight foot long anaconda crawling around this house."

"Relax mom, I keep my door and windows locked and he most certainly wouldn't be able to fit underneath the door. He's asleep under my bed as we speak, I fed him a few days ago he's fine. However, I would be a bit cautious opening the door, he might be lying out in the middle of the floor."

"Alright, but please keep your door closed, Natalie would have a fit if she saw it or knew it was here. By the way what time is Annalise coming over?" Trinity asked

"About that, she's not coming."

"What? Why?"

"We actually broke up." He said as she sighed

"You're kidding, when?"

"About a month or two ago. It was the day I went on my first travel trip and I got robbed, she texted me that morning and said she wanted to break up."

"Oh I'm sorry honey. I really thought things would work out for you two, but don't lose hope. Perhaps it's the long distance, and after you're done with school you two can work things back out. I have faith in you two."

"I've already moved on to someone else."

"That's okay, you get lonely and you need someone from time to time, perfectly fine." Trinity waved it off

"No, she's not someone I'm using to get over a heartbreak or because I'm lonely, she's my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? You have some woman from another country as your girlfriend? What are you gonna do when it's time for you to come back home? Is she still gonna be your girlfriend?"

"Maybe, or she could be my wife."

"Woah, wife? Now you wanna marry this girl?"

"Obviously not now, but who knows." He shrugged as Sebastian walked into the kitchen and kissed Trinity on the temple

"Hello my lady. Evan, my genius son how are you this morning."

"I'm good." Evan answered as Trinity scoffed

"Well I'm not. Do you know he has a girlfriend in South Africa."

Sebastian smiles, "Way to go son, you'll be all over the place in no time."

"And apparently he wants to marry her too."

"Marry? That's a big step."

"I didn't say right away or that I would marry her, all I'm saying is she's my girlfriend and she'll remain as such until I decide to move forward with our relationship or she breaks up with me."

"Who is she? And where did you even meet this woman?" Trinity asked

"You've met her already, it's Sarai and I met her in my anatomy class."

"Oh, she's a sweet girl." Sebastian said

"Yes, she is sweet but really think about it. Will it ever work? Would she be willing to leave her family to come be with you in a foreign country thousands of miles away from her family? Think of the cultural differences between you two. I'm not trying to talk you out of being with her, I'm just a bit concerned."

"I get it mom, I really do but I don't think it'll be a problem. I'm okay with the cultural difference and I don't think leaving her country is a problem either, she's told me that it's her dream to come here."

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