Chapter 48: My Secret

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Two Months Later

"So how long are you gonna hide it from me?" Sebastian asked Trinity as she was sorting laundry

"Hide what?"

"You're obviously pregnant."

"I am not."

"Trin, we've had four kids together already and I know what you look like and what your habits are, and let's not forget I don't use condoms."

"Things could change." She said as he reached in his pocket and put her birth control pack on the table that she's been looking for, for a while now but quickly got a replacement since she couldn't find the original one

"Where did you find that?"

"I was cleaning out the cabinet and the tampon box fell on the floor and this came out, so when did you decide you'd start using birth control?"

"I started around the time of Evan's birthday."

"And you didn't bother asking me about it?"

"I felt I didn't need to." She shrugged
"Well now I don't have to hide what I do anymore."

"If only you'd admit that you're pregnant."

"I am not, I've been on the pills."

"About that, you've actually been taking sugar pills, I took the real one and gave you a fake." He said as she smacked his arm

"Sebastian! Why would you do that?"

"I honestly wanted to see what would happen and payback for not telling me."

"Of all the fucked up shit you do that you don't tell me and now you're upset about one thing I did."

"I honestly think when it comes to something that affects us both we should talk about it, for example if I would've gotten a vasectomy without you knowing, would you be mad?"



"Because you didn't tell me and it's a life changing decision."

"Now do you kinda see my point?"

"Yes I get it, but what a cruel way to prove a point." She said as he kissed her cheek
"I honestly thought you'd be way more upset about this, you being all calm is kinda scaring me."

"There's not much I can do to you while you're pregnant." He said as he moved her stray hair from her face as she looked at him

"What would you do to me?"

"Don't worry about it, just be thankful that you are pregnant because I would be filling you up all night long." He said as he stepped closer towards her and backed her up against the wall while he leaned down to her ear

"Don't you ever fucking do this shit again, you have my babies when I say you can, and you stop when I say stop. You're my woman so therefore I gotta right to control you, and I fucking dare you to say I don't own you." He said as he looked her deep into the eyes and she didn't say anything as he smirked

"That's what I thought, who owns you?"

"You do, baby."

"Damn right I do," He said as he kissed her lips and was feeling on her ass
"Hurry up and finish in here and then come upstairs and suck my dick, since you wanna be a bad girl and try to hide shit from me. I'll show you just how upset I am with you."

"I'm sorry." She said as he kissed her cheek

"You will be. I'll be waiting." He said as he was leaving out of the room

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