Chapter 120: The Whole Truth

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"It seems everyone is taking well to your relationship." Sarai said with a smile to Amelia as they sat outside

"Yes and I owe you a gracious thank you as well."

"You don't owe me anything."

"Of course I do, without you Evan would still be on a rampage to break up my relationship with Chris and would've convinced the others to keep anyone else away from me. So yes, I owe you thanks and a big hug for being a true friend." Amelia said as she gave Sarai a hug and Sarai hugs her back

"Anytime. As they say in Goodfellas, never betray your family."

Amelia looks up at Sarai with a raised eyebrow and smiles, "Goodfellas? How many of those gangster movies have you watched?"

"Not many honestly. I actually haven't even finished that one because Evan always turns it off and says I shouldn't watch that kind of stuff because real life is not glamorous like the movies make it out to be. I understand that but I'm only curious, I know if I ask questions he won't answer."

"What are you curious about?"

"Everything, minus the gruesome stuff. But I also understand knowing too much about the business is not good, so I can understand why he wants to keep me in the dark on things."

"Well, if you just can't contain your curiosity and want answers, you after all have a whole Don as your future father-in law."

"Yes, but I highly doubt if he would tell me anything as well."

"You don't know that, you haven't asked him and I think you have the wrong idea about daddy, he indulges in curiosity. When I was thirteen I too was curious about exactly who my dad was and why was he so important and scary to people, I asked him and he told me everything I asked him."

"You're his daughter and you were born into that life, I'm an outsider and unfortunately I'm not afforded that same opportunity." Sarai said as Amelia stood up

"Come with me."

"Where are we going?"

"Just follow me." Amelia assured as Sarai got up and went inside the house. Amelia lead her to the den where she found Sebastian sitting in the chair reading
"Hey daddy are you busy?" Amelia asked stepping inside as Sebastian took his glasses off and put the paper down

"No, I'm trying to figure out what the fuck Landon wrote down, all this shit is backwards and I don't know if it's letters or numbers."

"What was he supposed to be writing about?"

"Well he came to me the other day about an idea of him opening his own restaurant or bakery shop, I said I would finance it and give me an estimate of how much he needs; what I have is four different numbers and I believe a recipe for something and a grocery list. But anyway I know you didn't come in here for that." He said as he went into his pocket for his wallet and gave her his credit card
"What time are you coming back?"

"No daddy I'm not going anywhere, I came in here because Sarai here has some questions for you." Amelia said as Sarai whispered no to her meanwhile Amelia shrugged it off and assured her everything was fine

"Oh okay, what do you need to ask me dear." He said as he put his credit card back into his wallet

"I actually don't have any questions, sir."

"She wants to know about the family business."

"Does she? Well Ms. Sarai have a seat." He said while patting the spot next to him on the sofa as she anxiously sat down

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