Chapter 4: The Wedding

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~Sebastian's POV~

"Mr. Moretti, if you could just give me more time I promise I'll have your money." I rolled my eyes as I was trying to get my tie straight and it just wouldn't cooperate, not to mention I'm getting bogged down with this bullshit on my wedding day

"I've heard it all before Andrew and quite frankly, I'm tired."

"No sir please, just give me one more chance I promise this time."

"Penso che dovresti dargli un'altra possibilità." My brother, Lorenzo said as he sat in the chair in the corner and I looked at him
(I think you should give him another chance.)


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"Sei serio?"
(You serious?)

"Certo, credo che il nostro buon amico qui farà la cosa giusta." He said with that slick smile and I couldn't help but laugh
(Of course, I believe our good friend here will do the right thing.)

"Se lo dici tu, prenderò la tua parola per questo."
(If you say so, I'll take your word for it.)

"Okay ragazzi, mostrategli il modo più veloce per morire." He said standing up
(Okay fellas, show him the quickest way to death.)
"Andrew, you have nothing to worry about, my brother will forgive you and pay back the money when you can."

"Oh thank you, I promise I won't let you down."

"I have confidence in you, these gentlemen will escort you out." He said as one grabbed Andrew from behind with a wire and began choking him and the other came around front and put a cloth up to his mouth meanwhile I was still fixing my tie

He eventually stopped struggling as his body went limp."Grazie ragazzi, assicuratevi che nessuno lo veda." Lorenzo said opening the door for them to leave and closed it back
(Thank you fellas, make sure no one sees him.)

"Glad that's over, you still fumbling around with that tie of yours?"

"I think I got it straight now." I said as he came over and adjusted it a few inches

"I hope you're not this clumsy come later on tonight." He grinned

"Oh don't you worry about that little brother, I'm never clumsy in that department."

"Hope so for her sake."


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