Chapter 86: Self-Reflection

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"So where are you from, if you don't mind me asking." Sarai asked Evan as they were having lunch together


"Which state?"

Evan chuckled, "What's your deal lady? I swear you must be working for someone."

"Oh no no I'm not working with anyone. I apologize if I seem intrusive, when I meet new people I like to know everything about them."

"I'm just messing with you, it's what I do, my brother Landon says I never take anything seriously, and I'm from Florida by the way."

She smiles, "Oh you have a brother."

"I have three brothers and one sister."

"Wow, so there's five of you in total. Where do you fall in the five?"

"I'm number three, technically it's two because my older brothers they're twins and they count as one in my eyes, but anyway I come after them."

"Twin brothers, cool. Was it hard telling them apart?"

"No, they both have personality differences and it would be easy to tell who is who."

"Who else in your family has a twin?"

"My dad's a twin."

"Could you tell him and your uncle apart?"

"Unfortunately my uncle died before any of us were born, so I never got to meet him. However from what my dad, grandma and uncle say he was just like my dad just a bit more crazier and looking at old pictures I can't tell them apart."

"I am so sorry to hear about your uncle, I'm sure he would've loved all of you and you all would've loved him back."

"Now that you've been asking all these personal questions about me now it's my turn. Where are you from Ms. Sarai?"

"I'm from Cape Town, South Africa, I also have family in Zambia, that's where my family is originally from."

"I actually don't know much about Zambia."

"It's very beautiful, and the people are nice to. We'll make you feel like apart of the family."

"That's nice to know, I'll keep that in mind. So what made you want to join med school?"

"I always wanted to become a doctor, ever since I was a little girl. I didn't have much money growing up so a dream like that was simply just a dream, but I was willing to hold onto it because I knew deep within myself I could do it and I just love helping people. Thankfully I earned scholarships to finally reach my goal, I made it and soon I will become a doctor like I always dreamed of."

"That's really sweet."

"What about you? I know it's your turn to ask me questions, but I want to know why you joined as well."

"I'm gonna be honest with you, I never wanted to be a doctor, the only reason why I've made it this far is because of my mom, which I thank her for pushing me because I eventually fell in love with it. I was always fascinated with surgery, especially in the early days of it.
It amazed me how one could sew together perfectly a body back together or even cut it open. Everything in my life comes easy and although you may think it's fun but it absolutely sucks, there's nothing to challenge me so I get bored. However surgery challenges me and that's why I like it so much, everything is unpredictable and that's what I crave."

"I can tell you like to take risks, why else would you leave your country and come to another one to go to school."

"I like to travel, so not only do I get to learn but travel while doing so. I don't know about you but I'm excited for our first travel assignment, I'm ready for the chaos." He smiled

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