Chapter 79: Got Him

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"Look at my gorgeous granddaughter, I don't know why you and Sebastian haven't signed her up for any type of modeling." Natalie said to Trinity as they watched Amelia sleep

"I would've loved for her to be a model but that wouldn't have flown with Sebastian."

"It's still never too late. Any news on the pervert who hurt my baby?" She asked as a stern frown came on Trinity's face

"Not yet, I believe they're getting close to finding him but Sebastian or the boys won't tell me anything."

"I hope they completely annihilate him and make the last few remaining hours of his life a living hell, he needs to suffer greatly for putting his dirty hands on our Angel, she's a sweet girl who's never harmed anyone and for someone to do something that disgusting has to be dealt with accordingly."

"I agree, I haven't been able to sleep these past few nights because that scumbag is still out there living his best life meanwhile my baby is suffering." Trinity said as tears began to fall from her eyes and Natalie stood up to comfort her

"Don't cry dear, there's practically a manhunt for his head, he won't get far for long."

"But I want his head now."

"And you will have it in due time, I promise you he won't get far and he will pay for what he's done as well." Natalie assured as there was a knock at the door and Trinity quickly wiped away the stray tears

"Come in." She said as Jimmy walked in

"I'm sorry to bother you Mrs. Moretti but I wanted to inform you that I got some more information on the one who did this to Amelia." He said as both Trinity and Natalie perked up

"What is it?"

"I was able to narrow the search down to one school; however going over the fraternity's might give me more trouble since anyone of them can fit the description of this guy but I'm sure with some applied pressure someone will talk and give me answers."

"How were you able to find the school so quickly?" Natalie asked

"Actually with the help of Landon."

"Landon?" Trinity said with a confused face

"Yes, Mr. Moretti wanted to check the hospital again and ask the doctor if he could tell us more and of course he said no because it's considered criminal to discuss it and blah blah and Landon was not having it. He then jacks the doctor up and says, I don't give a shit what your damn rules are, you tell us what we want to know. That's my sister and I want answers!"

"Oh my, I wonder where he gets that from?Landon is a sweet young man who wouldn't hurt a fly, poor thing he's being affected by this too." Natalie said

"I never would've thought Landon of all people, I guess there's always a first for everything."

"I'll let you know when I have more, I'm hoping this will all come to an end soon." He said as he then left the room and Evan walks in with Annalise

"Evan, how nice to see you." Natalie smiled as she gave him a hug

"Good to see you too grandma."

"And who is this young lady?"

"That's why I came up, I wanted you to meet my girlfriend Annalise, Annalise this is my grandma Natalie."

"Hello ma'am it's nice to meet you."

"You too and Evan I must say she's very beautiful."

"Thank you ma'am." Annalise smiled

"I'll have to give the credit to mom, she set us up on a date and ever since then we've been inseparable." He said smiling at Annalise
"She's gonna be a future OBGYN and I know she'll be the best one."

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