Chapter 116: A Nightmare

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"I can't believe you actually talked me into doing this." Amelia said to Chris as they were at her house sitting on the couch together
"I'm so nervous I don't know what to do."

"Don't be, everything is going to be fine."

"How can I be? This is all I can think about at night, I could barely sleep, I think we should just do this some other time." She said nervously as he grabbed her hand

"I know you're scared, you have a million different thoughts and emotions going on right now and that's okay but trust me it will all work out in the end, I know it will. It's the only way you and I can be together and I don't want to lose you, just trust me." He said as he gave her a hug and kissed her forehead

"Alright, let's get this over with." She said standing up as they walked down the long back hallway to Sebastian's office as she could hear him talking

"....Those no dick having pussies think they can undercut me?! They have another thing coming when I'm done with them." Amelia knocked on the door and it was opened by Lucas

"Hey look who it is." He smiled as he waved for the two to come in as Sebastian was sitting behind his desk on the phone, and Mason and Landon were sitting on the couch

"Chris, what's up man, you just missed Evan but he'll be back though." Landon said

"That's alright I hope to see him when he gets back."

"Princess did you need something from me?" Sebastian asked as he got off the phone and went in his pocket for his wallet

"No daddy, I actually wanted to talk to you about something."

"Oh okay, what is it?"

"I want to start off by saying that I love you very much and I don't want you to think that I would intentionally hurt you."

"What are you getting at, princess?"

"I have a boyfriend." She said as Mason scoffed

"Not for long, he'll be a dead man once we find out who he is."

"Yeah, you know you're not supposed to be with anyone unless we approve." Lucas added

"Daddy." Amelia whined

"Boys, let her finish. Go on princess, tell me more about this boyfriend of yours."

"Well, he's a great guy we have lots in common. He's very smart, loving, and I know you'll like him too. Plus we both love each other very much." She said as Sebastian chuckled

"I highly doubt I'll like any of those creatures you decide to drag in my presence and how can you say you love him? You have no idea what love is."

"Although I've never had the opportunity to experience what true love is from others, I do know that it's comforting and beautiful, and that's what I get when I'm with him."

"Fine, but just know that I still won't agree with it. So when will I see him?"

"Right now because my boyfriend happens to be Chris." She said as the room fell silent as the twins and Landon looked at Chris with complete shock and obvious anger

"Yo What The Fuck?!" Landon said as he jumps up as Sebastian begins to grin

"You two are joking right? There's no way you and him are a couple." He said as Chris got up and stood next to Amelia, grabbing ahold of her hand as the smile slowly disappeared on Sebastian's face

"No sir this is no joke, we're really together and our love is real." Chris said as Sebastian angrily narrowed his eyes at him

"If I were you I'd take your hand off of my daughter before I chop it off, along with gouging your eyes out."

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