Chapter 41: Clean Getaway

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~Trinity's POV~

I nervously look in the rear view mirror as I get the feeling that any car that comes close to me is Sebastian or one of his goons coming to get me.

I glance in the back seat as Evan and Landon are both asleep with their pajamas still on. I had made a stop at a rest area before I got on the interstate and quickly changed out of mine.

I honestly had no idea where I was going, but I wanted to get far away from Sebastian as I possibly could.

By the time some stores opened up, I got a pre-paid debit card and put a thousand dollars on it for gas to save time and we can get back on the road as quickly as possible.

I managed to get up roughly eight thousand dollars from the safe in our room without it being so terribly noticeable since I can't use any of my own cards or he'll for sure find me.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Evan said as I had pulled over to a rest area to change Landon's diaper

"Ok, I'll stop at McDonald's."

"Yay! Can I play in the ball pit when I get done eating?"

"Not this time sweetie, we have to get moving."

"Please?" He begged as I sighed

"Okay fine, but just for a few minutes. I don't want us to get caught up in traffic."

I had pulled up to McDonald's as I got Landon's car seat unbuckled and Evan carried his bag for me.

We went inside as I ordered our food and Evan wanted to sit by the window, closer to the outside playpen.

I took Landon out of the car seat as he smiled at me. He was beginning to be such a big boy already at just five months old

His hair reminds me of Evan's as it's always all over the place, but at least he lets me brush it down unlike Mason who hates having his hair touched

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His hair reminds me of Evan's as it's always all over the place, but at least he lets me brush it down unlike Mason who hates having his hair touched.

"Who's my little handsome man? You are." I smiled and kissed his cheek as he giggled and put his hands on my face as I pretended I was biting his fingers

"I'm hungry, can I eat your fingers?" I asked as he smiled and gnawed on my nose as slobber started to drip down my face

"I guess you're the hungry one instead." I pulled him back as I took a napkin and wiped my face

"Mommy, how come daddy didn't come with us?" Evan asked as he was eating his pancakes

"Because I thought it would be fun if we went somewhere without daddy, like a fun road trip for us three."

"Can we send him pictures of our road trip?"

"Sure when we go to fun places, we'll send him pictures."

"Okay." He smiled "Where are we going first?"

"I'm not sure yet, but it'll be someplace nice." I said finishing up my biscuit as I was getting paranoid and I kept looking around

"Mommy, what's wrong?"

"Nothing honey, I'm okay."

"Can I go play in the ball pit now?"

"Yeah go ahead but throw your trash away first." I said as he quickly got his trash, put it in the bag and threw it away as he flew out of the door.

I watched Evan through the window jump around in the playpen going on ten minutes now as every time he'd pass by he'd wave at me and I was glad to see him smile

I played with Landon as I stood him up in my lap as he jumped and was squealing with laughter.

My phone buzzed in the backpack I carried with Landon's diapers and wipes as I reached inside and took my phone out

Sebastian🖤- You can run, but you can't hide😏

"Shit." I said as I put my phone back in the bag and buckled Landon in his car seat. I got up to the door and called for Evan as he got his shoes and came back inside

"Put your shoes on we gotta go." I threw the rest of my trash away and got our stuff

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

"Yeah come on." I said as I took him to the bathroom

When he finished we went outside to the car as I strapped down the car seat and Evan got in on the other side.

I drove for about a good two hours until it was time for me to stop for gas. I got out to pump the gas as I opened the back door to check on the boys.

"You doing okay back here?"

"Yes ma'am, I'm getting thirsty though."

"Okay, I'll get you something to drink in just a minute." I said moving his hair out of his face

The gas had stopped pumping as I took the nozzle out and went to put the cap back on.

A black SUV pulls up behind me as my heart started pounding, and I was for the first time in life, was struggling to get the gas cap on

I quickly shut the back door and got in as I was starting the car. I look back in the mirror to see kids jumping out of the backseat and what looked like their parents as they walked into the store.

"Mommy what's wrong?"

I put a hand on my head as my brain is all over the place. "I thought I saw someone, but don't worry I'll get you something to drink at the rest area just up the road."

I drove along as far as I could and I had to stop because I was worn out. The drive itself wasn't too bad, but the constant stopping for food, and bathroom breaks and cleaning up accidents Landon has every now and then was draining.

I apparently drove for six hours and I feel every bit of the six hours. I pulled over at a rest area since I only needed to sleep for a few hours and get back on the road, plus that'll save a little money.

"Are we almost there?"

"Yes sweetie, we're almost there."

"How long will it take us?"

"About three more hours, we'll be there before you know it."

Where is Trinity headed and how far will Sebastian have to catch up?

I appreciate y'all for coming back and reading this chapter and I hope you've enjoyed. Let me know what you think and I'll catch you all on the next update and as always be breezy,

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