Chapter 16: Hospital

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~Sebastian's POV~

When I look down at my baby's lifeless body while I hold her tiny hand in mines, I instantly get upset and want to punch a hole in every wall I see.

It makes me upset that I wasn't there to comfort her, or to hold our son and nephew to let them know everything was alright.

And the fact that she's pregnant makes me all the more upset as I wish I could get my hands around the throat of the person who did this and strangle them, but right now my mind isn't on revenge, but on the well being of my wife

I put my hand on her stomach and gently rub it as her hand started twitching. She softly moaned and attempted to open her eyes but squinted as the bright light was shining in her face

I turned the overhead light off and kept the side light on so she could still see. She opened her eyes as the left one was swollen and she couldn't open it all the way
"Good morning, baby." I said kissing her cheek as she was looking around the room

"Where am I?" She croaked

"You're in the hospital, you had an accident, do you remember?"

"I was hit and I heard Mason, where is he?" She asked frantically as I stroked her hand

"Calm down baby, Mason and Santino are fine, they're with Lorenzo." I said as she tried to sit up but painfully moaned
"Here, let me help you." I gently lifted her by the hips to sit her up as she moaned in agony

Hearing her cry out in pain was breaking my heart that it makes me want to cry."There, better?"

"Yes. Can I have some water?"

I reached over on the table, grabbed the cup of water and held the straw up for her. "Sorry about your car." She said after drinking

"Don't worry about the car, I can always get another one, but I can't get another you."

"Glad to finally see you're up, I have your breakfast for you." The nurse said coming in the room with a tray of food and setting it on the table
"I'll be back to give you your medicine but in the meantime if you need anything else, just hit the button." She said leaving

"You ready to eat?"

"Yes," She said as I pulled the table up close to her and scooted my chair over as I grabbed the fork
"You don't have to feed me, I can do it."

"I'm sure you can but I'm not gonna let you be in pain while doing it, plus I don't mind." I said getting a forkful of food and bringing it to her mouth as she opened and started chewing

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"What all happened to me?"

"You have a broken left arm, a cut on the side of your face and above your eye and you were unconscious so there's a possibility that you'll have to stay in here for another day." I said as she looked down at the cast on her arm

"I feel like more than just my arm was broken."

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant."

"I wasn't for sure at first and then I figured I'd surprise you."

"Well to say the least, I was very surprised." I said feeding her more food

"I wanna go home." She said sadly as I kissed her forehead

"I know you do, and the kids and I would love for you to be home too, but your health is what's important. The doctor wants to be sure you and the baby are fine, so you may have to stay another day but you can do it." I said as the door opened and in came Simon and Adrianna

Adrianna had already looked like she's been crying and more tears were streaming down her face. "Lorenzo called this morning and told us what happened and we rushed right over." Simon said as Adrianna went over to the side of Trinity

"I knew I should've went for you, this is all my fault, I'm so sorry." She said crying as Simon grabbed her from behind to comfort her

"It's alright Adrianna, it's not anyone's fault what happened." I said

"I feel so guilty, I should've been with her."

"Then the same thing could've happened to you and maybe even worse."

"It's all good, Adrianna, I still love you." Trinity said

"Yeah but look at your arm."

"Hey, it'll heal in a few months, along with everything else that's wrong with me, but really I'm okay now."

"Would you two mind staying here with her while I go to the house and get her a change of clothes."

"No not at all," Adrianna answered as I put Trinity's food down on the table and got up

"I'm gonna head to the house and get you some clothes and I'll help you with your bath."

"Ok, and shower yourself, you're starting to smell." She smiled as I smiled back and kissed her forehead

"I'll do that. Simon, can I speak to you outside for a second." I said as we left the room

"Why didn't you call me last night?" He asked when I closed the door

"I gave you and Adrianna the weekend off, you two needed a break."

"Well so much for that."

"I need you to watch her while I'm gone and get ahold of Marco and see if he knows anything."

"You have any ideas on who may have did it?"

"I have a few people in mind but it's just not making any sense to me, but I'm not gonna stress too much about it right now, I wanna make sure Trinity's okay."

"Well Adrianna and I will be here until you get back."

"Ok, and the nurse will be coming back to give Trin her medicine, so no tossing people out of windows, I got enough to deal with, I don't need a lawsuit." I said as he smiled

"Hey, it's what I do best."

I went back to the house to get Trin some clothes and take a quick shower myself. When I finished I let the dogs out for a few minutes and called Lorenzo

"Hey man, how's everything?" He asked

"Good, Adrianna and Simon are there with her right now. I'm about to come over and give the boys an extra set of clothes just in case if they decide to keep her the extra night."

"No problem."

"How are the boys doing?"

"Good, I went and got their medicine yesterday while Sara stayed home with them. Every now and then the pain will hit them but overall they're okay, they've been mostly watching TV and eating."

"That's good, I hate they have to go through this bullshit."

"I know me too, but we'll worry about that later, right now concentrate on Trinity's well being, she needs you." He said as I heavily sighed

"Yeah you're right, well anyway I'm about to head over there and drop the clothes off so I can get back to the hospital. I'll see you in a few minutes."

"Alright, see you in a bit." He said as we hung up the phone

It sucks to see Sebastian hurting like this, I really feel for him. 😔

Any ideas on who may have plotted the accident?

•Let me know what you think•

I appreciate all of you for coming back and reading this chapter and I hope you've enjoyed it as well.

I'll catch you all on the next update and until then be breezy,

Tied to the Don [BWWM]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن