Chapter 98: Coming to America

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"Evan! Look what came in the mail." Sarai said happily as she showed Evan her visa approval

"Oh good it finally came."

"I know you said your dad had connections but gee, what connection does he have because this was only a month ago that you promised to get my visa approved."

Evan grinned as he pulled her down in his lap and kissed her cheek, "Wouldn't you like to know."

"I'm even more excited than ever, what are we going to do first when we get there?"

"I'll take you by my parents house for a few days so you can meet everyone and then I'll take you to my place where I will lock you up and never let you go, you'll be forever trapped in my bedroom."

"You wouldn't take me out anywhere? Possibly to the beach."

"Yeah I'd take you out, but you can never let go of my hand and you must wear a turtleneck and long pants." He said seriously as she laughed

"That makes no sense, why must I wear that?"

"No one is allowed to look at my woman."

"I'm sorry to break it to you babe but people are going to look at me, unfortunately." She said as he laughed

"You said it right, unfortunately because if I catch anyone looking they will not have to worry about looking at anything else again."

"You are so silly." She said as she kissed him

"Alright I'm only joking about the turtleneck and pants thing, but everything else I meant it." He smiled

"I'm very nervous about going to New Jersey, I've been reading about it and from what it seems they're not very friendly."

"I guess it all depends on personal opinions but where my family is from they're nice. Of course you'll run into your assholes here and there but it's a wonderful place, I always love visiting and I feel you will love it too."

"Could you take me to New York as well?"

"New York?" He frowned

"Yeah, or is that too far away? I don't know I thought they were next to each other."

"They are but why do you want to go to that dump?"

"What's wrong with New York?"

"Everything, it's dirty, rats are everywhere, the people stink and it's crowded as shit, but I will say they do have some good food, but why would I drive almost an hour over that raggedy ass bridge to get some food when I can just get it in Jersey."

"I'm guessing that trip is a no." She said as he smiled

"No I'll take you, this is your vacation and I'll take you wherever you'd like to go, even to places I can't stand."

She smiled, "Thank you."

"No problem baby."

"I wish I could go everywhere honestly, there's so much to do."

"Darling, how about we save some of that traveling for when we get married, then we can go somewhere different for our anniversary or just travel for the hell of it." He said as this warmed her heart. She never gets tired of hearing Evan talk about marrying her and their lives together in the future

"I can't wait to call you my husband."

"I can't wait to be your husband and you will be my wife. I do love you very much."

"And I love you dearly as well."

Four Months Later

The time has finally come for Sarai to travel to America. She's very excited about her trip as this has been the only thing on her mind as the time grew closer.

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