Chapter - 97 - Namjoon's Parents

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As soon as you stepped into the elevator, Namjoon sensed your anxiety and nervousness about meeting his parents. He gently leaned against the wall and hugged you, wrapping his arms around your waist. He held you close, with your back pressed against his chest. Yoongi leans towards you, gently kissing your lips and tenderly caressing your shoulders. Meanwhile, Jungkook presses the button for the first floor and positions himself beside you, holding your right hand and placing a soft kiss on its back. As the elevator doors close, they engage in a conversation, patiently waiting for the elevator to descend to the first floor.

Jungkook: What's wrong, babe?
You sigh. " I'm kind of nervous about meeting Namjoon's parents. What if they don't accept me?
Namjoon: I'm a little nervous too, not gonna lie, but something tells me that everything will be okay. 
You nod. "If you say so."

Jungkook, Yoongi, and Namjoon provided comforting reassurance, building a sense of relief within you. They began discussing the upcoming party and cracking jokes in an effort to distract you from any concerns. Upon reaching the car, Jungkook swiftly took his place behind the wheel, with Yoongi occupying the passenger seat and Namjoon settling in the back next to you. You embarked on an hour-long journey to Namjoon's parents' house, vibing to the beats of rap music and sharing jokes. As time passed, Namjoon gently pulled you onto his lap, positioning you in a way that allowed you to straddle him comfortably. Your head found solace on his shoulder, while his arms enveloped your waist, providing a secure embrace. In this cozy position, you gradually drifted into a peaceful slumber, oblivious to the remainder of the trip.

"Wake up sleeping beauty. We're here." Namjoon softly taps your cheek, gently urging you to wake up as the four of you arrive at his parents' house.

You wake up feeling slightly disoriented, your eyes adjusting to the new environment as you gaze out the window. "Umm, we arrived so fast?"
Yoongi lets out a chuckle and nods. "You were asleep for an hour, princess."
Jungkook steps out of the car and carefully closes his door, then opens, the door to the back seat. "Come on, let's go."
Yoongi steps out of the car and joins Jungkook, patiently waiting for Namjoon and you to exit. "Come on. Let's get this over with."
You step out of the car and take a moment to observe and appreciate your surroundings. "Wow! Nice house!"
Namjoon agreed with a nod before stepping out of the car and carefully closing the door. "Yes. Come on, follow me."
Namjoon confidently leads the way towards the entrance door, with Jungkook and Yoongi close behind. You, feeling a bit nervous, follow closely behind Yoongi. Namjoon repeatedly presses the doorbell, eagerly awaiting a response. As the door swings open, his face lights up with joy as he warmly greets his mother. "Eomma!!!"
"Joonie! Finally!" Namjoon's mother warmly embraces him, her arms wrapping around him in a tight, loving hug. Meanwhile, you respectfully stay silent, allowing him the space to greet his parents.
"Jungkookie! Yoongi -ah! Long time no see!" Namjoon's father made his way to the entrance, where he greeted Jungkook and Yoongi first since Namjoon was having a moment with his mother.
"Hey!' Good to see you guys!" Jungkook greeted Namjoon's father with a warm smile, showing his respect by bowing and shaking his hands.
"How's everything!?" Yoongi replied, bowing respectfully and shaking hands with Namjoon's father.
"Everything is great! Joonie, come here, son!" 
Namjoon's father greeted Jungkook and Yoongi before turning his attention to Namjoon, pulling him into a tight embrace. Meanwhile, his mother walked over to greet Jungkook and Yoongi. Luckily, you managed to go unnoticed as you stayed silent and positioned yourself strategically behind the towering figures of Jungkook and Yoongi, who happened to be taller than you.
Namjoon's mother let out a sudden gasp, her hand flying to cover her mouth. She pointed at you, causing his father to abruptly turn his head and swiftly push Namjoon away.
"WHOA!' His father exclaimed in astonishment, his eyes fixed on you, his face displaying a mixture of shock and surprise.
"Let's all come inside and go to the living room for a moment." Namjoon's mother politely invites everyone inside, and Namjoon takes you by the hand and follows her in, along with his father, Jungkook, and Yoongi, before closing the door. When she entered the living room, Jungkook and Yoongi sat on the couch, but when Namjoon was going to sit, his father stopped him. "Hold on, Joonie. Stay there for a moment."
Namjoon nods. "Yes appa."
Namjoon stood next to you without saying a word, and you also stayed quiet as Namjoon's parents stood in front of him, just staring at you with a shocked look on their faces. Jungkook and Yoongi remained silent, simply watching the scene as his parents began to speak.
Appa: Joonie, is this lovely lady the one you've been talking about that we were eager to meet?"
Namjoon nods. "Yes, Appa. This is my girlfriend, y/n.
Eomma: Joonie, we didn't even notice her. She was so quiet! I can't believe my eyes! She's more than what we expected. She's gorgeous!!
Appa: Wow, she's beautiful. I'm so proud of you, son. She definitely exceeded our expectations. 
Namjoon turns towards you, gently grasping both of your hands in his. His gaze is fixed on you, brimming with love. "I love her more than I ever loved anyone before. I love her so much. She's all I ever wanted in a woman and much more." Namjoon's voice quivered as tears welled up in his eyes. He gently kissed your lips and hugged you tightly, placing your head on his shoulder and tenderly stroking your hair with his hand.
"I love you too, baby." You spoke softly, your grip around his waist firm as tears welled up in your eyes, unable to hold back your own emotions.
Eomma: Do you even deserve her, son? I mean look at her! She looks like an angel that fell from heaven.
Namjoon gently releases the embrace and delicately brushes away your tears, mirroring the gesture as you do the same for him. He turns to face his parents and lets out an endearing chuckle, playfully shaking his head. "I agree. I don't deserve her. She's like a gift sent to me directly from God."
You chuckle softly as you shift your gaze towards Namjoon's parents, your arm wrapped around Namjoon's waist, keeping him close to you. "I was scared to meet you guys. I thought you wouldn't accept me."
Appa: That would've been the case. When Joonie said that you were not Korean, we were kind of disappointed, not gonna lie. We weren't expecting this. We're both utterly shocked at how beautiful you are, Miss."
You felt a deep blush creep onto your cheeks as Namjoon's parents spoke, but you chose to stay silent. Jungkook and Yoongi observed the scene in silence, engrossed in their phones. Namjoon gazed intently into his father's eyes, then shifted his gaze to his mother's. His eyes were brimming with warmth as he gently clasped his mother's left hand and his father's, preparing to formally introduce you to his parents.
"Eomma, Appa I want to take this moment to formally introduce my girlfriend. This is my girlfriend, y/n. The love of my life. The owner of my heart." Namjoon spoke with a gentle and polite tone as he introduced you to his parents, releasing their hands and turning to face you. "Babe, these are my lovely parents."
You glance over at his parents, a wide grin spreading across your face as you offer a respectful bow. "Nice to meet you." 
Eomma: The pleasure is ours, Miss y/n. 
That's all you could say. You were at a loss for words and unsure of how to act in the presence of his parents, causing you to feel a sense of shyness. Namjoon turns around to face his parents and immediately offers a respectful bow. "Eomma, Appa, I want to take this opportunity to ask for your blessings and approval for my relationship with y/n."
"Come here, Miss y/n." Namjoon's father gently grasps your hand, bringing you closer, before reaching out to take Namjoon's hand as well. "Look at me, Joonie."
Namjoon nods  and straightens his posture, maintaining a strong gaze with his father. "Yes, Appa?"
Namjoon's father lovingly plants a gentle kiss on Namjoon's forehead, and then proceeds to do the same to you, causing your cheeks to turn a deep shade of red. "You have our blessing, son. We approve your relationship with Miss Y/n."
"You really outdid yourself this time, Joonie. We're so proud of you. I'm so happy to have you as part of our family, Miss y/n." Namjoon's mother lovingly embraced both you and Namjoon, while his father joined in, creating a deeply touching family group hug.
Namjoon's father releases the embrace and gives a friendly wave to Jungkook and Yoongi. "Jungkookie, Yoongi-ah, come! Let's have some lunch."
Jungkook and Yoongi confidently rise from their seats and make their way towards you. Yoongi directs his gaze towards Namjoon and gently taps him on the shoulder. "Aren't you forgetting someone?" Yoongi points towards your belly, giving Namjoon a mischievous wink.
Namjoon giggles and nods. "I was so happy and emotional that I almost forgot." 
"Appa, hold on, before we eat lunch. I have something else to tell you." Namjoon firmly grasps his father's wrist, preventing him from proceeding any further. In response, his father immediately holds and turns around, along with his mother.
Jungkook giggles and pokes you in the belly. "Namjoon Hyung forgot to introduce a little someone."
Namjoon's mother is clearly taken aback, letting out a loud gasp and instinctively covering her mouth in sheer astonishment. "A little someone!? You mean she's..."
Namjoon nods. "Yes. We're expecting. Y/n is pregnant."
You nod. "We're having a baby. And it wasn't just an accident. We planned it very well."
After a brief moment of silence, Namjoon's father couldn't contain his emotions any longer. He broke into applause, his eyes welling up with tears. He embraced your mother tightly, and she too was moved to tears. She reached out and took both yours and Namjoon's hands, pulling you all into a warm and heartfelt family hug. You stayed in that embrace for nearly a minute before Namjoon's father gently released you.
"We're gonna be grandparents!!' Namjoon's parents erupted in simultaneous shouts and broke into a joyous dance, causing you, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Yoongi to laugh at their reactions.
"So many emotions. We're so happy that we don't even know what to do with ourselves. Miss y/n needs to eat well. Let's go to the dining room and have lunch. We have a lot to talk about." Namjoon's father, visibly overwhelmed with joy, managed to regain his composure and proceeded to guide everyone to the dining room.
Eomma: Have a seat, Miss y/n. You too, Joonie. Jungkookie and Yoongi, come help us bring the food to the table.
Jungkook nods. "Let's go!"
You find a comfortable spot at the table, joining Namjoon, who takes a seat beside you. Meanwhile, Jungkook and Yoongi head to the kitchen to assist Namjoon's parents in bringing the food and arranging the table. Namjoon gently takes hold of your hand and places a soft kiss on the back of it, intertwining his fingers with yours.
Namjoon breathes a sigh of relief and leans into you, gently kissing your cheek. "I'm so happy and relieved now that my parents approved you and accepted our relationship." 
You nod. "Me too, baby."

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