Chapter - 45 - Before Dinner

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"We have to go change into our dinner outfits why don't you go and wait for me in your office?" As you were walking down the hallway to the elevator Namjoon reminds you that they still had to change into the dinner outfits and suggests that you wait in your office in the meantime.

"Okay. I'll be in my office." You peck his lips before he walked away following the members to the dressing room and you hop on the elevator.

When you get to your office you sit on your desk and turn the computer on to check what's in it when you suddenly start to feel dizzy and decided to turn it off and lay on the couch to wait for Namjoon.

After 15 minutes Namjoon walks in wearing black pants and a long sleeve purple shirt. You bite your lower lip at the sight of him. "You look delicious right now."

"I was about to say the same thing about you laying down on that couch." Namjoon climbs on top of you and plants a gentle kiss on your neck then pecks your lips. "Are you feeling ok?"

"I felt dizzy and decided to lay down."

"Have you been taking your Birth control pills? First, you had cravings and now you felt dizzy?"

You sigh. "I didn't want to alarm you but I forgot to take them the last day that we were at the hotel and they were in my luggage so I took them when we got home."

Namjoon gasps. " You mean you could be pregnant?"

You nod. " It could be a possibility. I'm sorry baby. I didn't want to stress you out or be in trouble with Bang PD."

"You should have told me, babe." Namjoon started planting tender kisses repeatedly along your neck then he stood up and took you by the hand helping you stand up. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you into a warm hug while kissing your forehead.

"Who did you have sex with besides me during that time?"

"Just you, Yoongi, and Tae baby."

Namjoon closed his eyes and pressed his lips against yours before looking deeply into your eyes. "You'll make me the happiest man in the world if I had the honor to be the father if you're really pregnant. Oh babe I'd be so happy."

"But what if it's Yoongi or Tae?" You sigh.

"I'll accept it. I have no choice. I love you and no matter what happens I will never leave you. Ever."

"So you think abortion would be a choice?"

Namjoon shakes his head. "I want to have the honor to be the father of your child my love. I want it. If you're really pregnant and it's not mine then is their choice. Let's not worry about that right now babe. We'll buy a pregnancy test tomorrow if the time allows it. Let's keep this between us for now. Don't mention anything to anyone. Please."

You nod. "I won't. I love you."

"I love you too." Namjoon began to kiss you deeply and passionately and a single tear rolled down his cheek as he broke the kiss.

You wipe his tear with your thumb and peck his lips as he began heading out to the parking lot. "I'm so nervous and excited at the same time. I'm a fucking mess right now." Namjoon giggles as he led you towards the elevator.

"Where's everyone else?"

"They left in their vehicles."

Namjoon enters the elevator with you and taps on the first-floor button as he leaned against the wall with his arms wrapped around your waist and your back against his chest holding you tight.

"So what's the plan after the Festa Dinner shooting?

"Well, it was supposed to be kept a secret but Jin hyung wanted to do some food play after the staff leaves and we're done with the filming."

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