Chapter - 25 - After Concert

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You grab the blanket, wipe the cum from your face, and sit up, getting ready to go to the bathroom and take a shower. "Oh my God, that was insane! I love this job we made a fucking mess." You giggle, stand up, and walk to the bathroom, where you turn on the water and set it to a warm temperature, enter the shower, and begin cleaning yourself with a bar of soap. You decided to take a quick shower because you planned to take a bath or shower when you got back to the hotel, so you rinsed off the soap and turned off the water.

You take off all your accessories and place them on the counter for a moment while you grab a towel to dry yourself. You hang the tower on the towel rack, grab a hairbrush and a hair tie, and put your hair up in a ponytail while retouching your makeup and gathering your belongings from the bathroom before heading out to your room.

Then, as you open your suitcase and place all of your belongings and shoes inside, you take all of the dirty blankets off the bed and place them in a corner on the floor before closing the bed again and readjusting the cushions on the sofa. You take your uniform and put it back on before sitting on the couch to watch the concert's second half, which had just begun with the song Blue & Grey.

You hear Bang PD's voice and a knock on the door. "Miss y/n, may I come in?" He asked.

"Of course, come right in. I'm just waiting for you to come get me while I'm watching the concert because Namjoon said you were going to come get me and take me to the car that I'm taking back to the hotel.

"How was your first concert day? How are you feeling? "Are you okay?" He was wondering if you were okay as he took a seat next to you on the couch to watch the concert for a few moments.

"Oh, sir, I'm fine, thank you for asking." I'm just tired. "I'm also hungry." You replied.

"You did an outstanding job. I've gotten great feedback from the boys, and look at them go, they're performing better than ever, and they have so much energy. I'm glad I decided to have you as their support, it's such a big help, and I'm so happy for them. We're going to order food when we get back, and I was wondering if there's anything specific you want?" Bang PD wondered what you wanted to eat when you got back to the hotel as he enjoyed watching the members give their best performance ever without any stress thanks to your support.

"I'm not picky sir I'll eat anything just get me the same as my boyfriend." You replied as you enjoyed watching the concert with Bang PD.

"There are two more songs left after this one so I think we should get going. I'm going to walk you to the car where Joon is going so you can wait there and then we'll head to the hotel and I will order some food. I think they're scheduled to do a live with army when they get back but it should be quick and then you guys can eat and do whatever you want for the rest of the night. Tomorrow you have a free day and then the next day we go back to Korea." Bang PD turned off the TV and stood up, walking towards the door as you put your phone in your pocket and grab your suitcase, making sure you didn't leave anything behind, and following him out as he walked through the breakroom and a corridor backstage heading towards the parking lot where a black SUV and the driver is waiting for the concert to be over to take the members back to the hotel. There were two SUVs and Bang PD directed you to the one in the back, where Namjoon will be riding. He opens the door, and you walk in with your suitcase, but he grabs it and places it in the trunk before closing the door and leaving you there. You lean against the window, take your phone out of your pocket, and watch the rest of the concert on your phone.

Since you were there early, the driver started the car and turned on the air conditioning. After 30 minutes, you start to feel drowsy, so you turn off your phone, lean against the window, and fall asleep.

You had no idea how long you had been sleeping until you heard the voices of the members and someone tapping your shoulder. When you open your eyes, you see Namjoon and Yoongi in front of you. " Oh my god, I fell asleep and lost track of time." The concert was over before I realized it." You yawn and stretch as Namjoon sits next to you and motions for you to sit on his lap.

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