Chapter - 70 - Namjoon's Love

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"I'll be right back guys."

Namjoon, with a gentle yet firm grasp, delicately holds your hand, leading you out of the confines of his creative sanctuary, his studio. He walks into your office with a purposeful stride, his gaze fixed on the closet nestled in the corner.

"I want you to put on a robe while they're here."

He digs through the depths of his trusty backpack, his fingers delicately sifting through the variety of items buried within. A glimmer of determination dances in his eyes as he seeks out a particular garment, a robe that he had thoughtfully stowed away for your use.

You shrug. "I mean they already saw me naked baby."

"Yes, I know babe. That was just for inspiration in order to finish the song. It was temporary. Now that the job is done, I don't need to be showing up my girlfriend like that for free."

"Here's the robe."

He reaches out, his fingers delicately brushing against the fabric of a seductive scarlet lace short robe, before extending it towards you.

"Put it on babe."

You nod and smoothly envelop yourself in the flowing fabric of the robe


Namjoon nods. "Much better. Come on, let's go hear the recording."

As Namjoon kindly goes back into his studio, a hushed ambiance envelops the space. In that very instant, as if on cue, San Yawn rises from his seat, his voice resonating with a hint of frustration as he proceeds to express his dissatisfaction with the fact that you covered up and were now wearing a robe.

"Bro why?! Just let her nipples breathe! Didn't she just get her piercings today!?"

Wnjn looks at Namjoon, his eyes filled with a pleading intensity.

"Take that robe off!"

Mudd finds Namjoon amusing and can't help but giggle and laugh.

"Is not like we just saw her naked!"

Namjoon's head shakes with a disapproving gesture, his gaze piercing the members of Balming Tiger. However, he refrains from uttering a single word in response, choosing instead to maintain a composed silence. Seating himself upon his chair, he retains his grip on your hand, gently pulling you towards him. You obediently settle upon his lap, facing forward, your back pressed against his chest. His strong arms enveloped your waist, bringing you closer to him in an intimate embrace. With tender precision, he pressed his lips against the delicate curve of your shoulder, planting a gentle kiss.

"That was strictly for the recording only."

You shrugged, a mischievous giggle escaping your lips. "So is there going to be an MV?!"

San Yawn facepalms, and lets out a sigh. "Yes there's going to be an MV however we just needed you to record the song for the album. You won't be participating in the MV."

It was evident that they wanted you to stay naked and remove your robe. However, Namjoon was not willing to allow you to remain exposed in their presence and showcase his girlfriend's body for free, considering that the recording had concluded. He felt some jealousy and was also quite overprotective of you.

"Y'all need to chill and respect Joon's girlfriend. The fact that she was practically naked and dancing seductively was just an inspiration tool for the recording of the song." With a solid gaze, Omega Sapien responded, his attention firmly fixed upon San Yawn.

"Bro, can we smoke? Does your girlfriend smoke?!" San Yawn cast a sidelong glance at Namjoon, his mind momentarily consumed by the tempting possibility of igniting a carefully rolled blunt.

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