Chapter - 41 - Passionate Night

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You couldn't help but yawn as you approached the living room. It was late, and your weariness was setting in. Not to mention the fact that you were still a little sore from the insane sex encounter a few moments ago.

Namjoon taps on his lap. "Come here babe, sit"

You sit on his lap and straddle him. "I'm sleepy baby." You yawn while resting your head on his shoulder."

Jungkook takes your hand and kissed it softly. "Why don't you take a shower and go to bed? We'll join you once the movie is over."

You gaze at Namjoon with a cute pouty face while running your fingers through his hair."I don't want to go but is late and I have a meeting with Bang PD in a few hours."

Namjoon chuckles as he brushes his fingers through your hair and pecks your lips. "Tonight is our festa dinner and the company rented a hotel suite for us to do the filming and spend the night there so it's gonna be a long night. Plus you have a meeting with Bang PD-nim in a few hours. You need to sleep babe, go. We will join you soon."

You let out a big yawn while rubbing your sleepy eyes. "Oh, that's right. I forgot about that."

You stand up and give Jungkook a loving peck on the lips and then do the same to Namjoon. You stand up and plant a tender kiss on Jungkook's lips, then do the same to Namjoon. "I'm out. See you guys soon."

You head to your room and walk into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Upon entering the bathroom, you immediately walk into the shower and turn the water on. You take a moment to adjust the water to a warm temperature and grab a loofah and carefully pour a small amount of body wash onto it as you stand beneath the warm water and begin to gently scrub your skin. The sensation of the water cascading down your body felt so soothing and refreshing and you found yourself lost in the moment as you continue to cleanse yourself. Between showering, washing your teeth, and doing your nightly skincare routine it took you about 30 minutes. As you entered your bedroom, you dimmed the lights before crawling into bed. Even though you were sleepy you kept thinking about a lot of stuff and stressing out about your meeting with Bang PD and your first time at the office so you kept twisting and turning for nearly 15 minutes before your eyes began to close.

You could hear the voices of Namjoon and Jungkook as they made their way down the hallway toward the bedroom. As Namjoon and Jungkook entered the room and closed the door, you gripped a pillow. The room was dark but only for a moment. When the lights turned back on, Jungkook made his way to the bed and lay down next to you. He grabbed the pillow from your hands and tucked it behind his head. You scoot closer to Jungkook, laying your head on his shoulder while you cross one leg over his and put one arm over his chest. Namjoon dimmed the lights and got in bed next to Jungkook, nuzzling up to him as you pull the blankets over all three of you enveloping yourselves in cozy comfort.

"Mm, you feel so good, Kookie. So comfy." You plant a tender kiss on Jungkook's neck, just below his ear, and whisper something into his ear.

Namjoon nods, "Mmm yes kookie, so comfy baby." With a low grunt, Namjoon gave Jungkook a peck on the lips while snuggling into him.

A strong sexual tension began to fill the air which seemed to intensify with each second, as the three of you were engaged in a warm embrace snuggled into each other. Although you were feeling sleepy you started to feel wet and needy.

Namjoon put his lips against Jungkook's and began to kiss him heatedly while sliding his hand down Jungkook's chest under the sheets to grab his cock. He wrapped his hand around it and began to jerk him off.

Jungkook closed his eyes and broke the kiss with Namjoon while tilting his head back and letting out quiet moans as he completely got lost in the moment as Namjoon's lips trailed down his chest planting tender kisses along the way.

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