Chapter - 83 - Unexpected Call

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Last night, you found yourself completely engrossed in the moment, losing all sense of time. You, along with Namjoon and Jungkook, surrendered to a deep sleep, not caring if anyone set an alarm or not. The next morning, the alarm mercilessly pierced through the silence, jolting Jungkook awake. It was around 10 a.m., and the morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow in the room. As you slowly opened your eyes, you couldn't help but feel a bit disoriented. Your mind was still foggy from sleep, and you couldn't shake off the drowsiness that enveloped you. As you tried to gather your thoughts, you found yourself wondering about the time, realizing that you had no idea how much of the day had already passed. Despite your confusion, you couldn't deny the overwhelming sleepiness that still clung to you, making it difficult to fully wake up. Namjoon, feeling the weight of sleep slowly lifting from his body, yawns contentedly and stretches his limbs, relishing in the comforting sensation of his muscles awakening as he mentally prepares himself to rise from his cozy bed and take a quick shower. Jungkook lets out a tired yawn, feeling the heaviness in his eyes. He reaches out to grab his phone from the nightstand, his fingers slightly trembling with drowsiness. With a gentle touch, he shuts off the blaring alarm and sits on the edge of the bed, just staring at the wall for a moment before he stands up, getting ready to head to the bathroom to freshen up.

You all decided to take a shower together, eager to refresh yourselves and boost your energy levels. As the clock ticked closer to the designated check-out time, a sense of urgency filled the air, prompting each of you to speed up your morning routine. The sound of running water echoed through the bathroom as everyone attempted to shower quickly in order to leave and complete the check-out process on time, not to mention that Jungkook has to drop off Mia at the shop so she could get her car. It took approximately 30 minutes to complete the tasks of showering, brushing your teeth, and selecting your outfits for the day. You put on a pink mini skirt and a white tank top and styled your hair in a ponytail. Jungkook wore a pair of black shorts, a white T-shirt, and a grey hoodie, while Namjoon opted for grey sweatpants and a white sweater. Jungkook grabs his phone and the suitcase, and you grab your purse while Namjoon grabs his phone and makes sure nothing is left behind as you put on a pair of white sandals and follow Jungkook out of the room.

As you entered the kitchen, you saw Mia sitting by the table, a steaming cup of coffee in her hand. It seemed like she had been there for a while, with her suitcase neatly packed and all her belongings in order, waiting for you, Namjoon, and Jungkook. You all decided to have a quick cup of coffee before heading out; luckily, you were able to do the check-out on time. By the time Jungkook hit the road, it was 11.15 p.m.Mia sat in the front with Jungkook, while you sat in the back with Namjoon. Jungkook put on a lively K-pop playlist, determined to stay wide awake as he engaged in a friendly conversation with Mia. The drive was so long and tiring that Namjoon and you couldn't help but drift off to sleep in the back seat. Jungkook arrived at the shop at precisely 12:30 PM. You and Namjoon were completely unaware of Jungkook's arrival at the shop as he quietly parked the car. He stepped out of the car along with Mia to open the trunk, allowing her to retrieve her suitcase. Throughout the entire interaction, Mia maintained a consistently warm and friendly demeanor. You, along with Jungkook and Namjoon, made a conscious effort to steer clear of any sexual topics or actions, opting instead to maintain a normal and friendly atmosphere. This decision was made following an agreement that had been established, wherein it was mutually agreed upon that there would be no further sexual interactions with Mia. It was evident that Mia took this agreement very seriously, as she conducted herself accordingly.

She gently taps on the window a few times, causing you to wake up abruptly. With a playful giggle, you glance at Mia through the window, while Namjoon slowly opens his eyes and gazes at her. With a smooth gesture, he slides open the window and delicately takes hold of Mia's hand, placing a tender kiss on the back of it. "You scared us. We didn't even realize we were stopped. We fell asleep."

Emergency Stop Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora