Chapter - 23 - Intermission Part 1

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You were left alone once more as the members went to Soundcheck, and the concert was about to begin, so you went to the bathroom to clean yourself and retouch your makeup. "I suppose I'll clean up and go to bed to watch the concert."

You make your way to the bathroom, and as soon as you get there, you grab the shower extension, turn on the warm water, and begin cleaning your pussy with a little bit of body wash and a loofah. You rinse the soap away, close the water, replace the shower extension, and dry yourself with a towel.

After retouching your makeup and brushing your hair, you return to your room and turn on the television. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the members on the big monitor doing the soundcheck. You started to feel cold because you were naked, so you hopped on the bed and covered yourself with a warm blanket while continuing to watch the concert.

"This is surreal. Oh my god." You thought to yourself as you laughed, cuddled up, and continued to watch the members on television.

You started to feel thirsty, and since you were naked, you wondered how you could get a bottle of water. " Fuck, I need some water. Maybe I'll text Bang PD." You sigh and stand up to retrieve your phone from your suitcase to text Bang PD. You grab the phone and return to your bed, pulling the blanket over you as you text Bang PD.

Y/n: Sorry for bothering you, sir, but I was hoping you could bring me a bottle of cold water because I can't go out to the breakroom right now.

Bang PD: Sure, just give me a minute and I'll be there.

Y/n: Thank you very much.

Bang PD: Of course.

After ten minutes, you hear a knock on the door, which suddenly opens, and Bang PD walks in, holding a bottle of iced cold water and turning on the lights.

"Sir, it's too bright; turn it down." Please." You said this as he dimmed the lights again and approached you, handing you the bottle of water.

"Thank you, sir." You smile as you open the bottle of water and take a sip.

"You're welcome. Do you need anything else?" He asked as he sat on the couch.

"No, I'm fine. "I only wanted water."

He gets back up and prepares to leave the room. " Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you." The guys should return here after black swan because I scheduled their break at that time and they have an hour to spend with you. I have to get going, but please text me if you need anything else."

"Okay.Thanks again, sir." As Bang PD walks out the door, you drink nearly half of the water.

On the television, you can see the members singing and dancing and having fun with armies, and it appears that they are nearly finished with Soundcheck. They finish the last song and walk backstage to change into their concert outfits. You fell asleep not long after Soundcheck was finished.

You had no idea how long you had been sleeping. They were singing Black Swan as soon as you woke up. They were supposed to take a one-hour break after that song.

"Oh my god, I fell asleep and missed the first half of the concert." They're going to return soon, so I better prepare." As the music stops and an announcement about a one-hour intermission is made, you stand up and go to the bathroom to retouch your makeup and brush your hair.

When you leave the bathroom, they all rush in, still dressed in their black swan outfits. They were all breathing heavily and sweating profusely. Namjoon, Jungkook, and Jin sat at the round table in the corner, while Jimin, Hobi, Yoongi, and Taehyung sat on the couch.

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