Chapter - 3 - Decision

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Hobi lets out a heartfelt sigh, his arms enveloping you in a warm embrace.

"Namjoon went to ask our manager to see if we can at least pay for your taxi to get home," Hobi expressed deep concern for your well-being, anxiously hoping that you would make it home safely.

"Please don't feel guilty. This is all my fault for being such a whore." You let out a playful giggle.

Hobi gazes intensely into your eyes, his gaze filled with a mix of desire and warmth. "You made me lose control of myself. You're so fucking hot that I couldn't resist. Don't worry princess, we'll get you home safe. "

"About that... I can't go home now. My dad just found out the reason why I got fired from my job and someone sent him a picture of me fucking some guy and so he doesn't want me to go back home. He kicked me out of the house for being a whore." You let out a heavy, frustrated sigh.

Hobi: Why did you get fired from your job?

Y/n: I got caught fucking my manager and we both got fired.

"Damm I'm sorry to hear you lost your job but now I'm losing my mind. That's pretty damm hot if you think about it. It makes me wanna fuck you right here in front of everyone. Look at what you did to me." Hobi laughed pointing at his hardon.

"Mm I'd love to take care of that baby but you guys have to go and I have to find a way to get to my friend's house since it's the only place I can stay for now since I can't go back home." You bite your lower lip groping his bulge.

Hobi: Mm fuck. I wish they let us take you with us.

Y/n: That's probably impossible being that you guys are so busy with your tour and stuff.

Hobi: I don't care princess. I want you to forget about your friend and come with us. Well, book you a room at our hotel. I'm gonna make this happen like my name is Jung Hoseok.

Y/n: Oh shit! You're serious, aren't you? Good luck with trying to convince your staff to bring me with you guys.

Hobi: It's not that hard trust me. What Hobi wants Hobi gets. And if Namjoon asks it's easier to convince them since he's our leader and he has that special touch in convincing people to do something.

Namjoon's POV:

"Alright listen up everyone, gather up for an emergency meeting!"

Namjoon urgently summoned the members and the manager for a crucial and pressing emergency meeting.

"Where's Hobi? " Jungkook asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

Namjoon: He's outside. You'll understand in a second.

The manager and other members of the staff eagerly board the bus. With anticipation in their eyes, they gather towards the back, ready for an important meeting.

Namjoon: Alright guys listen up... There is a girl inside that lady's house that let us use her restroom and make a phone call that needs our help.

Manager: Oh yeah I noticed the girl too when I went to use the phone.

Taehyung: Is she hot?

"Taehyung-ssi please " Jimin laughed.

Yoongi: Oh yeah she's very hot.

Namjoon: Yes and that's the problem. She's not only hot she's very flirty and risky too. And you all know Hobi doesn't care to take risks sometimes too.

Yoongi: I tried to warn him. But I guess he couldn't control himself.

Jin: Well now I'm curious.

Jungkook: Curiosity killed a cat.

Emergency Stop Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz