Chapter - 47 - Clean up

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"That was fucking hot! Good job Ladies." Taehyung shouted as everyone started clapping and cheering for you and Mia.

Mia's phone began to ring and she immediately got off the table. "I'm sorry I really have to go. Is there a bathroom where I can clean up?"

"There's a bathroom at the end of the hall over there that you can use." Namjoon points in the direction of the hallway by the rooms.

Mia nods. "Thank you. Now excuse me I have to go clean up." Mia quickly washes her hands in the sink and gets a paper towel to dry them off before grabbing all her clothes and her phone and walking away towards the bathroom.

"Bro I'm about to explode! I'm shaking. Holy shit that was hot." Hobi commented while laughing.

"Uhh... I couldn't help myself. I exploded." Jimin giggles pointing at the cum stain in his pants as he takes his hand off his pants full of cum.

The members all burst out laughing at Jimin pointing at his crotch.

"Bro you're weak as fuck! Go wash and change your clothes. We're waiting for Mia to leave so we can continue." Taehyung said to Jimin while tapping on his shoulder as Jimin stood up and left to go to his room.

"Jungkookie has everything on video," Namjoon said while pointing at Jungkook.

Jungkook nods. "I recorded everything."

"You better send all of us a copy of that video. I need it for research purposes." Namjoon said while laughing.

"I'm on it hyung. I'll do it right now." Jungkook taps his phone and sends everyone a copy of the video he recorded of you fucking Mia.

"Uhh... I better go and clean up." You sit up and slide to the edge of the table getting ready to stand up but Namjoon stopped you.

"Don't clean up babe. Stay right there. We're just waiting for Mia to leave."

You nod. "Okay, baby."

Hobi paused the music that he had playing in the background and went to the minibar to grab a bottle of water. He comes back to you and hands you the water. "Here babygirl have some water in the meantime to cool off."

You grab the water and immediately open it drinking nearly half of it. "Mm, thanks, Daddy."

"You're welcome babygirl."

"Everyone keep your pants on until Mia leaves," Namjoon tells the members to make sure they keep their pants on until Mia leaves for privacy reasons.

Mia comes out of the bathroom already dressed with her hair up in a ponytail and her phone in her hands. She goes to grab her purse from the couch getting ready to leave. "I have to run. Thank you for letting me hang out with you guys for a bit."

"Come here, Mia." Namjoon waves at Mia asking her to come to him. He was sitting in a dining chair waiting for her to leave.

Mia approaches and looks at Namjoon. "Yes, Joon?"

"I just want to make it clear. Today was the only time you got to be with y/n because I made the exception this time and gave her permission. I don't want to see you near her ever again. And forget that anything happened today. Do I make myself clear?" Namjoon looks at Mia in the eyes waiting for her response.

Mia nods. "Don't worry Joon. I'm ok with it. I know the rules. I will never bother her again. I don't want to get in trouble or lose my Job."

Namjoon nods. "Very well. I'm glad you understand. Now get home safe and have a good night. We'll see you again at our next event."

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