Chapter - 1 - Home

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You resided in a household with your mother, father, and two younger brothers. After two years of attending college, you decided to drop out as a result of being suspended due to your poor behavior and academic performance.  Your dad generously covered your college tuition, but unfortunately, you did not approach your college education with the level of seriousness it deserved.

Your dad had a strong sense of discipline and held traditional values. On Sunday, your family attended church, but you consistently sought out valid reasons to remain at home due to your dislike for accompanying them to church.

During the weekdays, you dedicated your time to working as a cashier at a department store, fulfilling the responsibilities of a full-time job. On the weekends, you typically engage in social activities with your friends, often going out together during the evenings. Your parents were completely unaware of the hidden life you led, as you presented yourself differently in their presence. On certain evenings, you would patiently wait until your family had fallen asleep before embarking on your adventurous and promiscuous lifestyle. You were well-liked by the men in your neighborhood and had a large circle of male friends.

You had a strong sexual desire and struggled with a sex addiction that frequently put you at risk. You enjoyed socializing with your friends and frequently attended swingers clubs, where you actively engaged in large-scale sexual activities such as orgies and gangbangs. Despite leading a wild lifestyle, you managed to come up with clever excuses and escape plans to avoid getting caught, leading your family to believe that you were a devout Christian girl. However, this perception did not align with your actual behavior.

Once, you found yourself in a compromising situation at work with the store manager, which ultimately led to your termination. To protect your reputation, you fabricated a story about the circumstances surrounding your job loss. Thankfully, your family trusted your account and remained unaware of the true events that transpired.

On a Sunday morning, your dad followed his usual routine of coming to your room and inviting you to join the family for church. However, this particular Sunday held special significance as it marked your mom's birthday. The family had planned to celebrate her birthday at church, leaving you with no option but to accompany them.

You were in a deep slumber in your room when the sound of your dad's gentle knocking roused you from your sleep. You attempted to come up with a reason to remain at home, but unfortunately, you were unable to avoid the situation this time.

"Y/n wake up it's Sunday we're getting ready to go to church sweetie.."

You let out a heavy sigh, filled with frustration and tiredness." Dad, it's early and I just barely went to sleep, I stayed up late writing my resume last night to look for another job. I only slept like three hours and I'm very tired, please. I promise you I'll go next Sunday. I'm very sleepy.."

"I'm sorry sweetie I know you are trying your best to look for another job but you need to go with us today.."

"But dad please I'm tired and also I went last time remember? Can't you make an exception today, please? "

"Y/n I'm tired of you always making excuses. I would let you stay but you seem to forget what day it is today."

"What's so special about today Dad? Oh, shit today is Mom's birthday I totally forgot about it and stayed up late last night. I guess I don't have a choice. Fine Dad, I'm sorry I forgot about Mom. Give me like 30 minutes to get ready.."

"Don't take too long, Mom's making breakfast and we're leaving in an hour. Today we have to go to your grandma's house after church. She's making a birthday lunch for your mom so you can sleep there if you want to afterward."

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