Chapter - 51 - Lab Results

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All the members agreed to meet at the lab by the office for Namjoon, Yoongi, and Taehyung to get a paternity test. Jungkook, Namjoon and yourself are still at the hotel getting ready to leave.

You sigh and grab your suitcase getting ready to leave the room and sit on the bed for a moment while Namjoon and Jungkook were trying to finish gathering their belongings. "Baby.." You look at Namjoon with a sad face as he was getting something from the closet.

"I'm done just waiting on you hyung." Jungkook takes a seat on the couch, patiently waiting for Namjoon to finish packing his belongings.

Namjoon zips up his backpack and puts it on his back. He walks over to the bed and gently takes hold of your hand, gazing deeply into your eyes. "Did you say something babe? I'm ready to go."

You nod, sigh deeply, and suddenly begin to cry. "Yes, I said something baby."

Namjoon places his backpack on the ground and kneels in front of you. He gently kissed your hand and gazed at you with a look of genuine concern. "What's wrong, my love?" As he waited for your response, he wondered if you were okay.

"What's the matter y/n?" Jungkook stands up and joins you on the bed, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

You began to cry and instinctively covered your face with both hands. Namjoon stands up and pulls you into a comforting hug, allowing you to cry on his shoulder as he gently caresses your hair with his hand.  "Talk to me, babe. You're making me nervous. What's wrong? Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?"

Jungkook stands behind you, gently running his hands up and down your back to provide comfort. "Shh. It's going to be okay y/n. Don't cry. Now talk to us. What's going through your mind?"

"I...I don't..." As you cry harder, unable to speak, Namjoon gently kisses your forehead and embraces you even tighter. "Jungkookie go grab a bottle of water for y/n."

Jungkook nodded and hurried to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water for you, just as your phone started ringing. You were crying uncontrollably on Namjoon's shoulder, so he took your phone from the dresser and noticed a call from your mom. He decided to answer the call.

Namjoon: Hey Mom.

Mom: Namjoon?!

Namjoon: Yes it's me. How are you?

Mom: I've been stressed. I miss my daughter. I wish I could see you guys again soon.

Jungkook quickly returns to the room, holding a bottle of water. He swiftly opens it and hands it to you. Here you go, babe.

As Namjoon continues to speak to your mom, you take a sip of water and continue to cry on his shoulder.

Namjoon: Aww. Take it easy. I'm pretty sure we'll meet up again soon.

Mom: Is that y/n I hear crying? Oh my god, something was telling me to call you guys. I had the sudden urge to call. What's going on why is my daughter crying?

Namjoon lets out a sigh and tears start to form in his eyes as he gathers himself to continue speaking with your mom, even though you were crying uncontrollably. Jungkook quietly sat on the edge of the bed, giving you and Namjoon the space to talk to your mom.

Namjoon: Y/n is pregnant.

Mom: WHAT?! But wasn't she on both control or something like that?

Namjoon: She forgot to take her pills for a few days and it happened.

Mom: And she got pregnant that fast?!

Namjoon: The test results we positive.

Mom: Put me on speaker.

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