Chapter - 21 - Pre Concert

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Everyone returned to their rooms after cleaning and taking a shower. You had no energy. You had a shaky, slightly sleepy feeling. You decided to nap while Namjoon went to speak with Bang PD.

Namjoon returned and lay next to you, but you were so deeply asleep that you were unaware of it.

"Babe? Are you ok? Bang PD gave me something for you." He lightly shakes you and taps you on the shoulder.

As soon as you felt yourself being shaken, you opened your eyes to see him lying next to you. You let out a yawn looking at him as you whisper " What's up baby? Is it time to get up already? Why are you asking if I'm ok? I'm totally fine baby. I'm just sleepy and feeling a little weak." As he pulls you close, you move closer to him and cross your right leg over his leg while also crossing your right arm over his chest.

"Bang PD gave me something to give you energy because he thought you might need it. He got you some energy pills because he said it's not easy to handle all seven of us all the time. And I just wanted to say I'm sorry because I felt like we may have gone too hard on you."

"My love, there is nothing to be sorry about. You're fine. I enjoyed that a lot. I had a lot of fun. I'm just worn out, and we need to leave soon." Your eyes began to close as you yawned.

"Why don't you just stay here and sleep, babe? I'll excuse you with Bang PD and explain that you're not feeling well."

"No baby. I can sleep in the support room during the concert while you guys are performing. You guys only get an hour break to be with me, so I'll have the rest of the time to sleep if I want to."

"Okay, babe. We only have about 30 minutes before we have to get up and leave. Let's take a nap." Namjoon yawns and closes his eyes, drawing you closer as he pulls the covers up a little more, and the two of you fall asleep embraced in a warm hug.

Namjoon was already up when you woke up from your nap, and your suitcase was open and sitting on top of the dresser. As soon as you opened your eyes, the alarm went off so you grab your phone from the nightstand and turn the alarm off.

"Go ahead and change into your staff uniform. I'll organize your suitcase." Namjoon pulls you into a hug as soon as you stood up and pecked your lips as he began gathering your items to take to the concert.

"What are you choosing for me to wear? You wondered as you made your way to the closet to get your uniform.

"To make things easier for us, you're not wearing anything fancy today, and I want you to be completely naked. You'll only be wearing these sexy fishnet stockings and a few accessories that I packed for you. And I threw your toy bag in there just in case. You're going to put your purse and everything else you're carrying in the suitcase. Because our break will not be right away, you will have plenty of time to put on your makeup and prepare for us." Namjoon briefed you on how things will be at your first concert today as he gathered items for himself and prepared his backpack.

You sat on the bed and started putting on your uniform. "Am I going in the same car with you?" You began to wonder as you put on a bra and a black thong before putting on your pants.

Namjoon sighs and shakes his head "As much as I want you to accompany us to events like this, you must travel in the same vehicle as the staff. When you arrive at the venue, they will give you directions and point you in the direction of the support room. You'll be there for the entire concert, but on your way back, I can ask if you can ride in the same car with me."

"Okay, baby." You sigh as you finish putting on your uniform and slip on a pair of black sneakers before heading to the bathroom to grab the hair dryer.

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