Chapter - 2 - Grandma

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You take out your phone and notice a text message from your friend.

Friend's text: Hey wyd

Y/n: I'm at my grandma's

Friend: Fuck, I need that pussy. 

Y/n: Let's see if my grandma falls asleep so we can do something. 

Friend: Let me know babe. Text me the address. I want to see you tonight.

Y/n: No guarantee plus I'm sleepy as fuck too. I'll let you know.

Friend: ok

You set aside your phone, gently closing your eyes, feeling a growing anticipation. Your legs part, inviting a rush of desire, as you begin to touch yourself. Your fingertips delicately caress your clit, sending waves of electrifying sensations throughout your body.

You heard a loud noise coming from outside, accompanied by the sound of a running engine. The engine noise resembled that of a large vehicle, like a bus.

Out of nowhere, your grandma suddenly enters the living room. "Y/n did you hear that noise? "

You nod " I was about to go check and see. I hear a bus engine outside. Do you hear that?"

You hear the doorbell ring twice. As you peek through the window, you notice a man of Asian descent standing outside.

"I'll get it," your grandma said, her voice filled with curiosity, as she eagerly made her way towards the door, wondering who could be on the other side.

"Watch out, Grandma," you exclaimed with a hint of concern.

As your grandma opens the door, her eyes widen with surprise and curiosity. She is greeted by the presence of a tall Asian man, exuding an air of elegance and sophistication. Dressed in a sleek black suit, perfectly tailored to his frame, he stands with confidence and poise. 

Korean man: Sorry to bother you ma'am we're not from here. Were from Korea and have an emergency. Our bus got a flat tire and I was wondering if I could borrow your phone to make a quick phone call and also let us use your restroom real quick.

You remained motionless on the couch as your grandma spoke with the Asian man, all the while feeling a sense of exposure due to being naked under the blanket.

Grandma: No problem sir come on in. The phone is right there and the restroom is the first door down that hall on the left. 

The asian man bows politely before entering the house. He quickly grabs the phone and proceeds to make a call. You were unable to fully understand his speech because he was speaking in Korean.

Your heart skips a beat as he walks in. "Gawd he's hot! Damm, he's Korean. I can't understand what he's saying but I recognize the language."  You whispered to yourself.

You are taken aback, your eyes widening in surprise, as he walks into the house. "Gawd he's hot! Damm, he's Korean. I can't understand what he's saying but I recognize the language." You said to yourself.

The Korean man ends the call and warmly smiles at you. With a deep sense of reverence, he gracefully bows before you and your beloved grandma, his actions filled with utmost respect and admiration as he begins to make his way out.

Grandma: I thought you needed to use the restroom.

Korean man: It's not for me it's for three of the members in the group on the bus and there's only one restroom on the bus and it was occupied so they asked me if I could ask permission for them to use your restroom while I get the flat tire changed if that's ok.

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