BTF: Chapter Nine 💙

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Roseanne's pov

The sight of Lisa resting her hand on top of her so - called friend's shoulder, Minnie when she introduced us both yesterday makes me want to puke.

How dare she wraps an arm of my favourite around another woman's neck, drappping along her shoulder that is not as bony and sculptured as mine. The thought alone wants to make me yell at  both Lisa and the so - called friend.


Lilibear calls as she taps my shoulder and I turn to face her. She wears a white Celine tshirt that's almost see - through; showing her perfectly abs tummy and black Calvin Klein sports bra underneath.

A black sunglasses rests on the bridge of her hooked nose and she curls her lips into a small smile. I always wonder at how effortlessly beautiful she is. With a grin that showcases her perfect rows of teeth, she chuckles lightly before tugging my hand again.

"What is it?"

I ask, after I manage to clear my cloudy mind. I'm here for the sake of the girls so that they can spend their time with Lisa. Not to drooling over the fact that Lisa's bead of sweat on her temple makes her look hot as hell.


Maybe, she's the reason why hell so hot.

"Do you mind if we take some pictures?" Lilibear asks again, her voice is as sweet as a cotton candy and her smile kind of glowing on her face as I tell her a yes and she pulls me respectfully towards her so that Chaeyoungie can take a snap of us.

When Lilibear leaves my side to inspect the picture that has just been clicked by her sister, a lost strand falls of from her loose bun and as she tucks it back gracefully to rest behind her ear, I notice how pretty she is.

Almost like me.

Or more than me to be honest lol.

"No, Chaeng" the eldest of the three siblings retorts. "You're clicking it wrong. It's supposed to be a square shot. So that both of us can fit inside the frame"

"Well, maybe next time you should tell me"

Chaeyoungie encounters, rolling her eyes to the back of her mind. But instead of snapping back, Lilibear just looks at her as she folds her arms. "Certain things don't need to be articulate, Chaeyoung Roseanne Park"

"Whatever" Chaeyoung puffs her cheeks before Lilibear  turns to look at me again. "Mommy" the same smile lights up her face. "If you don't mind, can we take another? The one that Chaeyoungie took wasn't really nice"

"Sure" I smile at her as she moves herself closer to me and our shoulders meet. She is a natural - born supermodel.

Even I'm surprised at the stunning visual she has.

After three takes and she's finally satisfied with the angle of the shot, she releases her sister free and turns to me with her phone in her hand. She doesn't look at me but past me where Lisa stands with her so - called friend.

"You're jealous"

Lilibear states, her eyes scanning me briefly before she moves them back past me and on her mama. "Mommy, don't you think that's a little fair? Especially after the stunt you pulled at the museum earlier"

My face turns a shade redder. I'm pretty sure of that.

"I'm not ... Jealous"

I deny miserably as I keep my eyes on the ground rather than on Lilibear. I hear her low chuckle as her shadow shakes her head. "Well, your face doesn't quite show that"

She points out and I clear my throat and try to convince her more that I don't care about what Lisa's going by rolling my eyes to the back of my head but that makes Lilibear smile wider.

"You know, I get what you are feeling"

She plugs in one of her ears with wired earphone.

"You're jealous. But it doesn't give you quite a chance to behave like that. Especially when we know you guys are trying to fix things after the fall"

She looks at me and stretches her hand to meet my arm. "I know there's a reason why you decided to come here with us in the first place"

Her lips mumbles. "You miss her as much as she misses you"

"She doesn't miss me"

I sulk, chewing on my lower lip.

"I think she does. She looks miserable without you"

"But she hurts me"

"But we all know she's back and ready to play her role again"

Lilibear explains. "I'm not going to be unfair about this matter, mommy. We all know what leads to this situation; between the fall. It's important for both of you to pull yourself together and just be happy, let go of what was and accept of what is. Life is  never about stuck in the past. It's about moving forward, don't you think?"


I retort stubbornly but Lilibear leans in, kissing my cheek before putting on her black sunglasses on the bridge of her nose and walks to where her sisters are bickering about which ice cream flavour they are going to buy.


Another update. 30 votes  💙

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