Chapter Fifty Three ❤️

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Chaeyoung's pov

I had a strange fucking dream, of Ji-Ae sticking her devilish small tongue at me after finishing my whole tub of Ben & Jerry's

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I had a strange fucking dream, of Ji-Ae sticking her devilish small tongue at me after finishing my whole tub of Ben & Jerry's.

And then my body kicks me alive and I shoot my eyes opened, only to stare at the damn fucking ceiling that means only a thing to me: that this is not fucking home.

I am so fucking bewildered. Where the Fuck could I be? Am I already in the heaven or the police caught me guilty for pushing Ji-Ae inside the alligator's confined space?

Everything is so damn confusing. I blink my eyes twice as every object seems to appear blurry and after a third or fourth attempts of blinking my eyes crazily, things start to appear more sharp and focused.

The first thing that I have come to realize is that there is a transparent tube that connects the back of my hand to a freaking dripping bag hanging from a narrow and tall metal next to my bed.

And wires on my chest. Fucker. They are connected to the machine next to my bed, the one that is probably making sure I am still good to be let alive.

"Where the fuck is this?" I question no one as I attempt to sit up because my ass is numb from sleeping on my back all fucking day long. But a sharp pain in my lower abdomen makes me yelp.

Fucking shit, I internally curse as I run my hand to the painful area and knit my eyebrows together as my hand feels a thick bandage there.

Like they have ripped me opened and stitched whatever fucking things that were broken. But I can't clearly remember what happened.

All I knew what that I was drinking.


An annoying voice echoes from the doorframe as the knob is twisted from outside and I swear to God, I would remember and identify that high - pitched, overly excited and suffocatingly friendly voice anywhere.

Even in the dark.

I wince as I tilt my head to the left and spot my little sister holding a bag of Burger King brown bag in one hand while the one hosting a small box that might contain two Krispy Kreme donuts.

"Oh my god, you're awake!"

The kid squeals for a moment, wanting to run and engulfs me in her hug but stops as she narrows her eyes at me and her food supply interchangeably.

"I'll keep the food here" she says, tiptoeing as she puts them on a slightly higher dresser than her own height before proceeding to rub her small palms together. "So that you won't steal them"

She adds, smirking evilly before resuming her excitement.

"Oh my god!" her annoying voice chord buzzes again as she rushes to my bed and half engulfs me into her hug. But because of her poor little height, the girl just can't stay long in that position or she's gonna break her toes.

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