Chapter Seventy One 🤍

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Roseanne's pov

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Roseanne's pov


Lilibear calls as she looks at me over her shoulder, signalling that I should come to check on her in the kitchen.

Puffing my cheek and throwing the remote for the TV at Chaeyoungie who is laughing silently as she grabs it, I turn my heels towards the direction of the well - designated kitchen and stare at Lilibear who stands behind the open, island kitchen.

"Yes?" I tug my hair behind my ears and she lifts her eyes from the chunky flesh of the well - cut salmon before pointing at the spice rack. "I need pepper and lemon to make dinner"

She says simply, bending over to check on a tray of seafood pie she's making for dinner. "Hmm?" I look at her. "Those are not in the kitchen pantry?"

"I guess we ran out of it already" she states simply. "It would mean a great deal for me if you can run out to the store and grab it"

She says again, proceeding to wash her hands under the running water after fixing the pie in the oven. A  strand of blonde hair falls effortlessly beautiful from the loose bun she's wearing, making her looks undeniably gorgeous, especially under the perfect lighting in the kitchen.


She summons me again as she dries her hands with the kitchen towel. "Can you do that for me?" she looks at me and into my eyes and I just nod, totally stunned to even say no.

"Sure" I massage the back of my neck that's not even hurting. "I'll go grab it for you" I stammer a little before walking back past the living room where Chaeyoungie is watching an anime series on Netflix.

"Yow, Roseanne" she teases. Her thunderous voice echoes in the house. "Where the hell are you going?"

"Shut up" I wave her my middle finger and she falls butt first on the floor from the couch she was occupying a minute ago, laughing with her hand pressed against the tummy.

"That's so funny. Someone is not in good mood"

She adds, wiping stupid tears from her eyes. I make sure to wave her again my middle finger as I walk into the room and grab my jacket. Apparently, Lisa is on her off day today and she has taken our Ji-Ae to the pet store.

I grab my phone and write a simple text to Lisa, trying to warn her to not buy anything for that irresponsible little thug that loves me the most.


I hate going to Homeplus although there are my posters there. It's suffocating and time - consuming because that means I have to drive there to get stupid pepper and lemon per Lilibear's request.

That is so no for today.

So, putting on my sneakers and walk past the fucking revolving doors, I aim for the convenience store down the block.

Keeping my head low as I grumble when the cold wind slaps my face and although I wear a thick face mask, it's still freezing cold so I hide my hands into the pockets of my jacket.

The door is almost empty with customers when I walk in and the customer stands up to give me a bright smile which I ignore.

Taking a deep breath, I console myself as I reach the rack where the pepper is and grabs a couple of lemons before shoving them inside a transparent plastic bag. After I finished grabbing the two items Lilibear asked me earlier, I drag my feet towards the cashier.

"Hey, are these all?"


I say, passing her my card once she finished with scanning the item. The bell rings once someone else steps into the store and I pretend to ignore it until that someone accidently brushes her shoulder against mine.

"Excuse me?"

I frown behind the face mask. The person immediately turns clumsily as to say sorry but once our eyes meet (she always wears a thick face mask to hide her face from the cold wind) I am undeniably startled.


I stammer a little but she collects herself faster from the impact and says my name like she has been practicing it these few years that she was missing.

"Roseanne? Is that you?"

The cashier looks at me. The. At her. "Jeongyeon?"

I call her name and she smiles. "Well, my name is Cindy"

The cashier jumps in and both of us turn to look at her before Jeongyeon clears her throat and points her thumb inwardly at the beverage fridge. "It's too cold outside. Do you want to grab something for a drink?"

She asks and I look at the plastic bag in hand before my mouth mumbles an answer I never thought I would make.


"Where the hell did you go all these years?"

I smack her left arm and she groans for a second before running her hand on the spot that I just hit. "No, offense, I'm still mad at you for going missing"

"Well, for the record I wasn't missing"

She defends herself, pushing me slightly away from her on the couch. "I was in New York, minding my own business after you know ..." she frowns lightly before clearing her throat. "So, what's new in Roseanne's life?"

She looks at me and I shrug. "Nothing, really"

I bite my lower lip. "I've got three pretty girls" I give her my best smile which she reciprocates with her own. "I know! Been checking your Instagram from time to time" she utters which makes me laugh. "You're such a stalker. But you never said anything to me?"

"You were busy, Rosie"

She states. "I didn't want to disturb your schedule. Anyway, what should I say? Hello from your ex - fianceé?"

"Shut up"

"I thought so" she replies. "So, where's Lisa? I've been wanting to see her again and congratulate her..."

"Lisa is out with my youngest" I say. "And umm, we are not married at the moment"

There is a deep silence before Jeongyeon looks at me like I have just said something crazy.

"Are you shitting me?" she asks again, resting her back again the backrest of the couch. "I thought ..."

"It's a long story" I state before she asks. "It's just, we have started to see one another again but, never mind"

"What's wrong?" Jeongyeon asks me. I shake my head as I give her a small smile. "Enough about me" I tug my hair behind my ear.  "What about you? Tell me stuff about you"

"Well, I've been single mostly"

She says with a grin. "Oh, poor baby" I laugh. "Can't find someone else after me?"

"Pretty much but don't get too excited, Park. I've been with many women but they were just not my type"

"Don't tell me that your type is still pretty much me. That's pure lousy"

"What can I do?" she smiles charmingly before I giggle and pull her into my hug. "I missed you" I mutter while having my arms still around her neck.


A deep, familiar voice echoes from my back. "Am I missing something?"


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