Chapter Twenty Seven ❤️

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Chaeyoung's pov

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Chaeyoung's pov

I look at the watch around my wrist. The school is almost ending. When the bell finally rings, like a few minutes later, I throw my back over my shoulder, my pam holding only its left shoulder strap when I hear a familiar voice calling after me.

Well, who else if it's not Lilibear, princess of literally nowhere. 

"What do you want?" I frown grumpily but she must have grown accustomed to it that she just rolls her eyes back in resistance.

"I don't mean to talk to you, Chaeyoungie" her cold voice starts throwing ice dagger at me.

"I mean, I would literally love to spend this moment of time talking to you by doing something far more beneficial for the sake of human race"

"Sure, Lilibear. Sure" I mock her by clapping my hands loudly, attracting few heads to stare in our direction. Her bookworms friend look at me too.

They are Lili's subjects, waiting humbly for their queen bee, apparently. "Why don't you just go play some damn piano or do some Maths or whatever shit you always do. You're Halmoni's pet anyway"

"Your incompetence to list down what I actually do doesn't humor me" she says.

"But I'm gonna say it one last time, Chaeyoungie. Can you stop being difficult to mommy? She has been nothing but nice to you"

"No" I shake my head before pointing my finger to her chest. "She's been nice to you! And that pinkdwaeji of Ji-Ae. She's always been there for you and that piglet. Not me. Stop making me feel like I owe her something when in fact, I don't"

"Of course you owe her" Lili clicks her tongue before proceeding to lean forward, her free hands travel to my collar where my loose criss - cross tie is wrapped around and she fixes it with just a click of her fingers, her eyes literally on me when she draws her hands back to her side.

"She's your mom, Chaeyoungie. She is not just any woman"

"Being my mom isn't a solid reason for me to respect her ass"

"Your words" she frowns disapprovingly. "If Halmoni hears that, she's going to be super disappointed with you"

She takes a step backward as I decide to respond to that statement. "Well, I'm glad" I chide her.

"At least, we all know I don't have to be her asslicker because that's your job to begin with. Oh, Lilibear" she narrows her eyes in disgust as I continue to make fun of her.

"Lilibear always perfect. Lilibear never puts her foot wrong. Lilibear is always always always the pride of the fucking Park family"

"Oh, Chaeyoungie" she looks at me in pity. "You're so sick" she insults but a smile is still on her lips when she does that. "My heart goes out to you and your terrible way of being happy to your only sister"

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