Chapter Eighteen ❤️

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Lili's pov

"You've got the tempo wrong again, Lilibear"

My grandmother says from where she sits; on a golden framed, seemingly luxury baroque - style armchair that imitates Louis XIV in its own best way.

The red, tailored and knitted cushion with their family emblem glows against my grandmother's pale and silky complexion; the red, cushioned arm rests bear the weight of her skeletally designed but perfectly sculptured arms of Clare Park.

For a moment, she looks like the queen she was from her past life, and still is in this lifetime, considering how she is the matriarch of the family, leading the Park towards a never ending well of success.

"I told you so many times" my grandmother's delicate voice greets my ears as she rises from her chair, her left arm supporting the weight of her whole existence not more than fifty seconds before she retracts it elegantly to follow suit her right arm that stays crossed over her chest, her fingers reaching her bony shoulder, trading few gentle caresses before her left one slides under the empty opening of her right arm, holding her opposite shoulder. 

A sigh escapes her throat again as she stands there, freezing in time for a moment and none of us speaks.

"Not to let your guard down" she finishes her earlier sentence and I am so tempted to reply when her previous conversation about not wanting to hear my voice or even making a simple acknowledgement about it comes to mind and I clench my jaws.

"Just hear" she says, hovering over me as her slender, perfect fingers dance in a short but absolutely mind - blowing performance. "That's how you do it, Lilibear" she says firmly, before straightening her figure once again.

"I tried to play like you" I state, my voice finding its way out of my throat. "But I can't.

The song is just too difficult" I tell and my eyes start to burn as tears threaten to fall but I keep telling myself to hold everything perfectly together or my grandmother isn't going to be really happy seeing me breaking her number one rule that is to never show any emotions.

 "Ah, the song is difficult, yes" she mumbles hands around her back as she takes one or two steps away from me, her front figure pacing the bronze effigy of her mother who undoubtedly her biggest inspiration of all time; resting in the middle of the vast, French - styled lawn.

"But learning about it makes it easier. Finding excuses however" she turns to glance at me. "Makes it harder"

Her voice drops like a bomb which breaks everything within me that I am trying hard to hold together. But still, I fight my own emotion to let it show even when I know I would feel a lot better letting her know how her words make me feel in this moment of time.

"I can practice again" I let her know, betraying whatever that I feel in that precise time but she looks at me emptily, her secretary comes with a Chanel fur coat to pass. 

"You sure have all the time in the world to practice that piece, sweetheart" she says, her voice hinting at no emotion at all.

"However, not all of us can sit down and listen to you making the same mistake again and again" she puts on the coat and grabs her black clutch bag to her chest. "I'll be back late. You don't have to wait. Just go"


Rosie's pov

I stare at the car stopping in front of me. Tiny droplets of rainwater start to cover the front mirror as I wait for the light to go green. The way the thunder echoes across the dark skies makes my whole body shivers. How can Lisa ask me that? I sigh as my grips tighten around the steering wheel.

How can she ask me to stop seeing her when we both don't really know what we want? Bullshit. Why would I need to want something in order to be with her. We had a past together, and future too, with the kids growing up. 

I can't believe she thinks we would be over just because our marriage has sunken deep to the belly of mother ocean. Fuck, Lisa fucking Manoban. A loud honk from behind drags me back mercilessly back to the land of reality.

Shaking my head in annoyance, I step on the gas pedal till the moment it almost reaches the carpeted floor and the Maserati goes first than anyone else, giving out a loud honk in response to the motherfucker behind me. 

Go drive your fucking old car straight to the junkyard, loser. 

The doorman greets me with a small smile but I don't have time to stretch the muscles on my face for that simple gesture. I throw him the car key which he excellently catches just in time before it hits the mosaic floor.

"Park it where I usually park it. Not an inch more or less or I'll make you lose your job" 

I say firmly as I walk past the revolving door and straight past the front desk where the complex's manager greets me professionally. "Good evening, Ms. Park. If I may steal your time a little ..."

"No, you may not" 

I reply sarcastically as I jam my thumb on the elevator button mounted to the aesthetically looking cream - coloured wall. 

"Ms. Park, please" the manager says again, half pleading. "It's almost the day" he finishes as he takes a deep breath after. "We have to decide what types of flowers you would like to have this year"

"I don't want to talk about this"

"Your mother's secretary inquired you'd still prefer white lilies but we still however want to hear your opinion in case you have another preference this year"

The elevator beeps lightly as the door parted to give me a way in. "I don't fucking care"

"Ms. Park ..."

"Screw you" I yell and the door shuts. 

🥺🥺🥺 aaaaa

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