Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

(Seijo Yukari)

I ran around, searching for the black rabbit everywhere. I went to a woman, passing by to ask if she saw a black rabbit.

"Excuse me, have you seen a pure black rabbit around this area?" I asked.

"Black rabbit? Ah! I think, I saw one!" She said.

"Eh?! Where did it run to?" I asked.

"That rabbit was almost ran over by a car but, a handsome guy in black with a red scarf saved him and carried him to the dark area over there." She pointed frontwards.

"Thank you very much." I bowed.

I ran to the dark area which the woman spoke about. I looked around and began to feel alarmed. It's really scary and dark here.. I can feel an ominous aura around the area..

It feels as if a Ghoul will suddenly appear. I clenched on the place where I hid my dagger. Once something comes out, I'll slash it..


Hieek! Who's there?!

"U-Um.. H-Hello..?" I said, stuttering in terror.


"Um.. Usagi-kun, I brought some carrots.. Come here.." I called out to the rabbit.

*rustle!* *rustle!*

"Usagi-kun.. Come here please..!" I said, starting to get scared.

I walked further in..

*rustle!* *rustle!*

"U-Usagi-kun..! Come here, boy! I'll give you carrots--"

"Who the hell are you?"

Uwaaah! Usagi-kun spoke!! Monster?!!

*Tok!* *Tok!* *Tok!*

A figure of a man appeared in front of me. It made me shocked and scared but, I stood still until I identify the face of a man. I could tell that the man was a little taller than me but, I think a little smaller than Kaneki-kun.

He revealed his appearance and he wore black boots, black leather jacket, and a red scarf. I saw his face and he looks cool and handsome. His hair is shaggy and a bit wavy. It looks fluffy, though. The way he carry himself seems really cool and manly. And, it seems that he's still young and about the same age as me.

Like OMG! He's really hot!

But, wait! It reeks of something ominous here.. The smell of blood..

Since it was dark, I couldn't see it clearly but, when I got nearer, I realized that he's covered in blood..! Eeeek! Scary! Is he a gangster or what?

"What do you want?" He asked with a scary and fierce glare while crossing his arms.

I realized that the black rabbit was in his arms.

"U-Um.. T-The.. rabbit.."

"Are you.. the owner of this rabbit?" He asked with his deep voice.

"Y-Yes." I answered.

"Tch. Here. Don't lose him again, you high school idiot." He said as he gave me the rabbit.

"Y-Yes! Thank you very much!" I bowed.

"For a student, you sure do have a lot of free time." He said.

"Ahahaha.." I faked the laugh.

High school idiot? He's got a bad mouth. He really reminds me of someone I know. Hmm..

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