Chapter 45: Mistress

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A/N: Sorry, I have serious writers block.


De's POV

"Good morning, baby." I said as I walked into the living room where I found him sitting. He was writing in his notebook while eating what looked to me like a donut.

"Hey," He said without even looking at me.

"What are doing?"

" I'm some lyrics down to a song for y'all to sing. "

"Can I see?"

"Nawl, not yet. It ain't ready yet."

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling. "Well, I got you some coffee. We got to be at the studio in an hour." I said as sat it in front of him. I kissed him on the cheek and stood up, tightening my rob around me.

"Thanks baby, but I need to start this morning off with a bigger boost than that."

My eyebrows furrowed as I mindlessly place my hand on my hips. " What you mean?"

He glanced up at me and took the little box that sat on the side of the table. He flipped it open and pulled out a small glass container. "Hand me that mirror over there." He said, pointing over to the fire place that was behind me.

I took the mirror and handed it to him. I watched as he sat it down on the coffee table and opened up the container. He began sprinkling what looked like white powder on the mirror. I sat down next to him and watched him arrange it into a small line. I gasped after realizing what it really was. "When did you start doing this?" I asked.

"I've been doing it for a while now, De." He said as he picked up a tub. "It'll make you feel good." He bend over and began sniffing it up his nose.

"Yeah, I'm from Harlem. That's what everyone said about coke." I thought about telling him that that wasn't good for him, but I knew it would only make him mad and if he was getting high and he got mad that wouldn't be a very pretty sight.

He sprinkled more on the mirror. "You know, it makes me wonder what it will do to us while we're making love."

I smiled. "It can't be any better than it already is."

"There's only one way to find out." He said softly. He handed the tub to me and pushed the mirror in front of me. I stared at it for a moment not knowing exactly what to do. I could hear my conscience screaming in the back of mind, telling me not to do it, but I could barely hear it. It was faint and distant. I was told that drugs could kill you. They weren't anything to mess with. My brother had just gotten put of jail for saling them. I was raped by his friends because he owed them drug money. That memory was so painful. I immediately tried to push them away but it was progressing. The pain, the blood, the sweat....the words that was said. I looked at Wayne's face, he was still trying to hand me the tub so I could try it.

Try it...

It shouldn't hurt to try it just once. It's not like heroin where you get addicted with first try. If I tried it once I wouldn't try it again. I would just do it so he wouldn't get mad at me. I took the tub from his hand and shifted my hair from one side to the other. I hesitated for a moment before going right for it. I closed my eyes and began sniffing small amounts at a time. There was a strong sensation that came over me. Like a spark or a buzz. I didn't know how to describe it, but it was like one moment I felt normal and the next I felt as though I was floating. I threw my head back and began inhaling through my nose; sniffing some of the remains down my nostrils.

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