Chapter 77: Running

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I was never the kind over person to just jump into someone else's business. To be honest, I never really cared enough to. Especially when I knew for a fact that it would involve drama, and drama is something that I often tried to avoid. Unfortunately, unlike all those other times my curiosity was burning inside my head. It wasn't the fact that she just dropped that one completely out of the blue when he had just met each other. It was the fact that I thought she might actually be right. Someone had once told me that when a woman thinks a man is cheating, then he's cheating. I thought that was a little silly, but then again, I was strong believer in instincts and I learned how to trust mine no matter how minor they were.

Instincts wasn't what had my curiosity burning. As soon as she walked away I began remembering all the times I had seen Marlon at parties without Carol at his side. The fact that he had a wife and kids never occurred to me then. I knew he was married, but all those times I saw him with Randy the thought was far from my mind.

He acted as if he was single.

He and Jojo had always had a good friendship. From the very first moment they had met years ago, there was something about them that had somehow connected. When they were around each other they often excluded themselves from conversations that we all would be having. They always kept whatever it was they were talking about low and away from the rest of us. Even at my wedding, I can vaguely remember Marlon introducing Jojo to Carol. I remember him saying the words exactly:

"Carol, this is my friend Jojo." He had said. "Jojo, this is my wife Carol." It went exactly like that. I remember Jojo and Carol talking as if they had become good friends. Almost as if they were old friends catching up.

I had known JoJo for about ten years, and I had noticed that she had a way of manipulating people. She knew how to analyze a persons personality so that she could match hers to theirs, and then tweak it if she had to. I had seen it during all those years we were trying to make it to where we are today. She would talk to a person while taking in their words carefully, watching their mannerisms; and once she finds their weakness she would use it against them. That's why she was our manager for so many years.

She was almost a mastermind.

Despite all of that I knew Jojo was too classy to sleep with a married man. Let alone be someone's mistress. She was one of those girls who were the jealous type. If she had a man she would want to be that man's only one. If a girl even looked like she was getting too friendly with her boyfriend, she make sure he never speaks to her again. That was just who she was. Jojo could be a little possessive at times, which was why she often stayed away from relationships.

I didn't know why I was considering that Jojo could be the girl Marlon maybe cheating with. I knew Jojo, and the fact that I was jumping to conclusions were just sad on my part. I mean, Carol could be wrong.

Who knows?

"What's wrong with her?" Janet's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

I looked down at her and shrugged my shoulders. " I don't know." I lied.

She looked in the distance where Carol had took off and just shrugged her shoulders as well. " We're about to go into the restaurant. The boys are almost done."

"Oh, okay " I sighed as my stomach began to growl, reminding me that I hadn't eaten anything at all that day.

" Was that guy weird or what?" She asked, referring to Don.

I rolled my eyes towards the blue sky. "I think weird is an understatement." I laughed.

" I don't know what Joseph was thinking when hired his ass." She shook her as he glanced over at the man who was talking to more reporters. " I hope they fire him."

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