Chapter 137

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Chapter 137

Alana goes downstairs to the sofa since the quest room is now turned into a baby's room. She heads for the sofa laying down into the fetal position and starts to cry. The thought of Luke making his marriage work and leaving her behind crushed her. She was trying to let go, and now Thomas brought it all back in an instance. His words cutting through her like a knife.

Thomas, on the other hand, is too drunk to think, and doesn't do much of it, he just hits the bed and falls asleep feeling tomorrow he will deal with it. He is overwhelmed and just tired of it all.

Alana stays there all night not getting much sleep, she just thinks of everything and feels defeated on every level. She wants to text Luke, but feels he doesn't want any part of her, she is wasting her time. It just doesn't make the want go away.

Morning comes slowly, Alana is filled with tears and her eyes are all puffy, and most of all her heart hurts deeply. She gets up going into the bathroom looking into the mirror seeing a lost woman, a broken woman. She just tries to pull herself together to move on for the day.

Thomas gets up, seeing Alana isn't in bed with him, he now remembers last night. Feeling a sadness deep within himself remembering the things he said to her, and why she isn't beside him now.

He gets up going to knock on the bathroom door.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"Yea, I will be right out. I am getting dressed." Alana answers.

Thomas waits near the door for her to come out, when she does he sees she has been crying. Her eyes are all red, he knows what he said hurt.

"I want to say I am sorry about last night," Thomas replies.

"You just said how you felt. What you wanted to and held back all these months."Alana responds.

"I didn't want to hurt you and I see that I did." Thomas states.

"This whole thing hurts me, Thomas. There just isn't much I can do about it." Alana answers. "If you are going to hold it against me, this isn't going to work. We should just split and forget about it." Alana adds.

"I just needed to let it out, this has hurt me as well you know,"Thomas says.

"I know, I see it, and I am sorry. I just can't stop the feelings I had for him. " Alana comments.

"Do you still love him?" Thomas asks.

"I will always love him, Thomas. I don't want to hurt you, but I am also not going to lie to you. I also know it can never be, so I have to make peace with it." Alana reveals.

Hearing that bothers Thomas but at the same time, he sees she is being honest. No more lying, or hiding. It was a start to a clean slate for real.

"You are going to stay in this marriage and work on things, no more texting him? Or going near him?" Thomas asks.

"There is no point Thomas, as you put it, he doesn't want me, he wants his wife. I will stay if you let this go and we can really work on it, otherwise, there is no point. I made a mistake and I am not going to suffer the rest of my life for it. And how did you find this out?" Alana admits.

"What made him so special? I saw texts on your phone, ones I wish I never saw." Thomas asks.

"There was a connection, I never had with anyone else. It wasn't only sex, it was on every level. If you saw the texts then you know about the connection already." Alana confesses.

"One not strong enough for him to leave her." Thomas snaps.

"I guess not, you like throwing that at me don't you? Does it make you feel better to hurt me?" Alana replies.

"Actually no, it doesn't, I just couldn't hold back," Thomas reveals.

"You said all you needed too, its good that it's out in the open now. Maybe you can heal from it."Alana says.

"Yes, I feel better." Thomas states.

"I am glad one of us does. If you are going to go out and get drunk every night, there is no point in us trying for anything either. I am not going to put up with this. It's either a new start or none at all." Alana announces.

"I won't be, I got it out of me now. I really do want us to work. I have enjoyed these last few months. It's just hard at times, knowing you did what you did and how you really feel about him. I know you wouldn't be here if he wanted you." Thomas states.

"It doesn't really matter because it's not happening. I am here, I am with you. I was letting go, till you bring it up. We have to just act as if it didn't happen otherwise it's going to tear us apart." Alana suggests.

"That is true. I will be home for dinner tonight at the right time. Everything will go back on track." Thomas says.

"Good, I will be home as well," Alana answers walking away to get dressed.

Thomas knew she was hurting, he also knew she was right. They both had to let go to make this work. He felt good letting it out, they never really talked about it before, just saying what happened in the past, now actually he got to confront her. He didn't about the child knowing it could have gone really wrong, and he didn't want her to know, he knew. It would make things worse.

For Alana, at the moment she didn't really like Thomas. The things he said hurt her, but she knew he needed to let them out. It just made her think of Luke more, and miss him. It was all a big mess.

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