Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Thomas gets his clothes ready waiting for Alana to get done her shower. He waits and thinks, how Alana talked about masturbating in front of him, how she sent the stripper video. How open she was getting with sex. Where was this coming from? Was someone teaching her? He couldn't help but think so many things. When he first married her, she was shy and closed off with sex. He went slow with her, wanting her to feel comfortable. He thinks he got so used to doing that, he lost his own way of doing things. He never wanted to rush her or push dirty things on to her. He didn't see her that way, she didn't come across that way to him.

Now he was seeing a different side to her, the way she took control that night and rode him. The stripper last night, but then he thinks, she wasn't that open. She still didn't touch or go after him being wild like his sister and her friends. She just watched, keeping her distance, and her reputation. He also saw that she didn't tell him, she loved him, or even tried to make love to him this time. She took things jokingly and walked away. What was really going through her mind, he wondered. Was it more than she was still mad at him?

While he is sitting on the bed, waiting for the shower, Alana comes out, in a summer dress all ready to go to his sister's Hotel room to get ready for the wedding.

"The shower is all yours," Alana says.

"Thank you, are you headed off to my sister's room now?" Thomas asks.

"Yes, I will see you in a few. I am going to go get my dress on and my makeup done." Alana answers.

"Ok, enjoy your morning," Thomas says.

"You too." She says walking out the door.

On her way to her sister in law's room she texts Luke.

"Morning sexy. I hope your thinking about the stripper video you're going to make me." Alana says.

"Hell, I been thinking about it all night and I already started on it. Good morning hot pants." Luke replies.

"I can't wait to see then, just the thought gets me undone." Alana answers.

"Ohhh, you haven't seen anything yet. You just wait till I have you in person. Undone will be an understatement." Luke announces.

"Jesus just that thought, if you do half of what you do to me now, I won't be able to control myself," Alana admits.

"Promise? I want you to strip for me in person. I want to see every single inch of that sexy body up close and personal." Luke explains.

"Yes, I promise, and I can do that, make you work for it. It will be just like in a stripper club, you can watch but you can't touch." Alana teases.

"Damn girl, that will be torture but I will agree. I am sure, it won't take you too long to change that." Luke smirks.

"Ohh you are so sure of yourself aren't you Mr. Sexy?" Alana jokes.

"Mr. Sexy?" Luke laughs out loud. "I don't think I have ever been called that before. I like it. And Yes, I am just that sure of myself." Luke answers.

"Brat, I will talk to you later, I have to get ready for this wedding..." Alana says.

"Ok, BTW how did Thomas take last night? Did it take him a long time to get back?" Luke asks.

"Not sure when he got in, I was asleep. The weirdest thing happened though, I found him in my bed in the morning." Alana admits.

"Your bed? Did something happen?" Luke asks concerned.

"Not in the way you would think." Alana laughs.

"What do you mean?" Luke replies.

"Looks like he had too much to drink and got a bit horny. I found residue on my back.............." Alana states.

"WTF, he did that while you were sleeping?" Luke snaps.

"It looks that way. Not sure what he really did, as I know it wasn't sex with me. That is the first time he has ever masturbated with me in the room but I guess sleeping doesn't count." Alana laughs.

"He could be coming out of his shell Alana, wanting to do things with you. Do you want that?" Luke asks a bit upset.

"No I don't, when he told me I bolted from the bed. I don't want to get sexual with him again. I don't want him or even see him like that anymore. I am too enwrapped in you, no one ever made me feel like you do. I know its just words at the moment, but I feel closer to you than I ever did to him." Alana says.

"Ok, I need you to tell me if you're changing your mind." Luke states.

"No, I am not changing my mind in any way. I also want to be very honest with you. I like that I can be. I didn't tell you to upset you, just I found it to be funny." Alana replies.

"Funny? I want to be honest with you also. We always have been." Luke responds.

"Yes, funny. He couldn't do things like that with me awake, he has to when I am sleeping..." Alana laughs.

"He seems shy in that department, but he wanted you. He could have just gone after what he wanted, but it seems he felt that was a better road to take." Luke states.

"He said he wasn't sure if I would be pissed or not if he did. So he didn't wake me." Alana admits.

"Would you have been?" Luke asks.

"With him yes, because I really am not looking for that with him. But with you no, if you want me, tell me, show me, take me." Alana says.

"I will keep that in mind, and I will. Over and Over again." Luke comments.

"Good, Ok, I really have to go now. I will see you later if not tomorrow. Hugs!" Alana replies.

"OK. have a great day and Hugs." Luke answers.

Luke gets off the phone, knowing that Thomas still very much wanted Alana. He saw that he didn't know how to go about it, but he did want her. Would Alana drift back to him? Change her mind in this? He knew the chemistry between them was incredible and undeniable, but would it be enough for her to really go through with this?

Then he does think, this is his wife Luke had nowhere to stand, he had his own wife, his own life. What the hell really was this? An affair? Just for sexual release? A relationship? A friendship? His feelings were strong, maybe too strong for his own good.

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