Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Alana gets no sleep just thinking about Luke and all that he told her. She is excited about meeting him for real this time. She just hopes he really sticks to it, and doesn't chicken out again. It didn't matter it would just be as friends, that was actually very ok with her. She just wanted to see what he was all about in person if there was any real chemistry in person. It would help with all this imaging of what he is, it would put a face to the person she has been wanting to be so close to all these months. She also thinks it could be a big let down, and cool this all over. Either way they really needed to know. This way it was all in their minds, the want, desire, building each time they would talk. The imagination was causing them, to keep this going for all these months. Now it would be a reality.

Alana gets up from bed, knowing the vet was closed today but that Judy would be there to check in and see if everything was ok. Alana needed to talk to her, and share what happened. She needed to share with someone so bad, she couldn't help the way she was feeling.

She gets up and goes to the vet, seeing Judy at the desk, doing some paperwork.

"Girl what are you doing here today? It's your day off?" Judy asks.

"I couldn't wait to tell you all that happened last night," Alana confesses.

"Oh shit, what happened with the in-laws? What fight broke out now?" Judy asks.

"None it has nothing to do with them," Alana replies.

"Ok, now you have my mind wondering. What the hell happened?"Judy says.

"I got a message from Luke late last night." Alana states.

"Aww, his weekly check in to string you along?" Judy responds.

"No, he came clean with how he was feeling, and that he didn't want to hurt anyone. He was trying to stay away but he can't. He misses me too much and wants to meet in person." Alana reveals.

"Really? Is he going to show up?" Judy says.

"I asked that and he promised he would. He said it was about time we see what this really is if we feel this way in person."Alana admits.

"That would be a good thing, you both need to either get this out of your system or just let go. It just looks like neither of you are willing to let go. So, get it out of your systems, you could meet and there is absolutely nothing there. No spark, no nothing and both go home. "Judy laughs.

"There has to be something, its too strong. Plus even if not sexual, the friend part is strong." Alana states.

"I hope so for your sake. So when is this taking place?" Judy asks.

"Next week, I want to take him to thirteen street. I want to show him all the decorations, then take it from there." Alana comments.

"Just be careful, I know you think you know him, but you don't. You just know him online. Make sure you go somewhere public after that. Don't get into his car, and go straight home." Judy advises.

"I don't think he would rape or kill me Judy, but I will take your advice and call you afterward." Alana states.

"You never know, don't drop your guard, he can be anyone. And you better call me afterward. I want to know everything that happens. Just be careful with Thomas, we don't need him knowing anything that is going on." Judy responds.

"It will be fine, I will tell him I stayed at work later. I will have dinner ready in the oven so he won't notice too much. I already thought about all that. I am so nervous, and excited at the same time. I never have felt this way before. He makes me crazy inside." Alana reveals.

"Don't get too excited, he may chicken out again, and if he does, I suggest you walk away. I understand he is thinking deeply about this, before just acting, but if he isn't going to give in, let it go. You're wasting your time and feelings. I know you like him. This was supposed to be just fun and games and I don't see it that way anymore." Judy admits.

"If he doesn't show up, I know it will never go further. I am not that much in the dark. I can't help but have feelings for him, I am not one to want to sleep with someone, I don't have feelings for. I am not made like that." Alana comments.

"I don't want to see you hurt. Your too good for that, you need a little fun, a little experience, just don't get too deep into this. Are you going to screw him the first date?" Judy asks.

"I know not to get hurt, Gezz No, I don't think so. We are supposed to just meet as friends."Alana says.

"Uh Huh, and I'm a virgin. If you two are this hot for each other and there is really chemistry there, your both going to behave? Bullshit, he maybe wanting to behave before he meets you but once in front of you, and there is anything there, he will make a move. He isn't Thomas! You need to realize that, and be ready for anything. I know Thomas keeps you as naive as he can, but Luke won't be like that."Judy states.

"I know that I don't plan on sleeping with him on the first date. I have never done anything like that before. " Alana admits.

"You haven't ever done anything like, any of this before yet, your doing it now. I am not judging, I just want you to be prepared for anything." Judy responds.

"I know, we will see how this goes. Let's meet first and see how it goes. I am not going to put hopes on anything. If there is real chemistry that would be great, if not that's fine as well."Alana responds.

"That might be better, no let downs." Judy comments.

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