Chapte 170

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Chapter 170

Thomas gets to his bedroom seeing Alana laying on her side still wearing the clothes from yesterday. He feels hurt and sad about everything that has taken place. He goes over to the edge of the bed and takes a seat on her side. Seeing she is still up, just laying there not saying anything.

"Are you ok?" Thomas asks.

"Yea," Alana replies laying there in the fetal position. "I can't live like this anymore Thomas," Alana adds.

"I know, I am sorry for everything I said and did last night. I should have been honest with everything from the start. I just threw everything under the rug and was trying to forget it happened. Or maybe even act as if it never took place." Thomas admits.

"That was a lot of personal things Thomas. How did you know all that? Did you go through my phone?" Alana asks.

"Yes, I did go through your phone, but I also hired a PI to look and follow you around at the time. I needed to know everything that was going on. I know it was wrong but I did it." Thomas states.

"I see. Did it make you feel better knowing all the details of all this? There were times I told you I had things to tell you, and you wouldn't let me explain. So this is why I didn't need to explain you already knew everything. Is there anything else I should know?" Alana sits up stoned-faced.

"I know Lucia isn't mine. I knew since the ultrasound you tried to hide." Thomas reveals.

Alana just looks at him. "You knew this whole time? You took her as your own?" Alana asks.

"Yes, I knew to keep you I would have to. In a way she did me a favor, you were stuck. I knew it so I used it. I do love her as my own though. And I never held it against her." Thomas states.

"I know you didn't. I wanted to tell you a few times again you wouldn't let me. Now I know why, so this way you could use it and come out the hero." Alana responds.

"I don't know how much of a hero I am after last night. I know i was selfish. I would do anything to keep you. I lied just as much as you did just for different reasons. I also knew if Luke knew it was his I would be in trouble." Thomas says.

"I thank you for taking her as your own, for treating her as your own. I know that must have been awful at times. I am sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Things just snowballed out of hand really fast. Holding that lie in all these years was torture for me, so I am sure it was just the same for you." Alana replies.

"It was but like I said she was my ticket. I knew for her you would stay. I know you're a great mother, and would do anything for our kids so I used it." Thomas comments.

"You are the only father she has ever known, and will ever know. This secret stays with us. There is no point in ruining her life for my mistake. When she is an adult we will see about telling her the truth but for now, let's leave it be." Alana suggests.

"Are you going to stay with me? I am so sorry about last night I know I hurt you in so many ways. I just wanted you to feel the pain I have been feeling all these years and I did it in a terrible way." Thomas says.

"We both have. I am not going anywhere but in order to make this work, we really have to let go of this. If we don't we will never make it. You said your truth, I said mine. It's over. We can't take back any of it. Our children are important, they need us." Alana answers.

"I am relieved to hear you say that. I feel so much better letting it all out. I am sorry for holding it in and lying." Thomas states.

"Are you sure you are ok with all of this? I mean knowing she really isn't your daughter and being his? I can't imagine. I don't even really know what to say, Thomas." Alana cries.

"Yes, I am ok with it. I had years to process it. There are times I look at her and it hurts. I wish she was mine, I wish so many things."Thomas replies.

"I know, it has. I am sorry for hurting you, Thomas." Alana says.

"From this day we start fresh I know we said it before but today we do it. If you can forgive me for last night." Thomas asks.

"I am mad at you, but yes I can forgive you. You forgave me for all that and took my child." Alana comments.

"I don't want you to forgive me because of that. It wasn't to put you on a guilt trip. I just needed to be honest so I don't hold it in anymore." Thomas admits.

"I know, like you said we start fresh." Alana replies.

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