Chapter 160

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Chapter 160

Thomas goes home, tired and his mind flooding with all kinds of thoughts and emotions. He goes to his parent's house every day at lunchtime and after work, trying his best to spend as much time as he can with his mother. He is wearing himself thin, trying to keep everything together. At times just going straight home to bed not even wanting to eat.

Thomas sees his mother and father's relationship has gotten better. He just doesn't really see the point at times, that his father waited until his mother was going to die to treat her half decent. Then he of all people knows relationships are hard, ad sometimes you have to learn the hard way to make something work.

Tonight was a night Thomas got home late, going straight upstairs to bed, not even eating. All he wanted to do was go to sleep.

"Thomas your home, how is your mother?" Alana asks.

"I don't think it will be much longer. They upped the morphine and she isn't talking as much as she was." Thomas replies.

"I'm truly sorry. I know you are doing your best for her, you need to take care of yourself as well. You lost weight Thomas, you don't sleep well. I don't want to see you get sick." Alana responds.

"It will be over soon, and then I will think about me. Thank you for keeping the house in order while I am away. I know I haven't been here for you or the kids lately. I just don't want you to think things are going back to what they were. I just can't do both at the moment." Thomas admits.

"I told you, I am here for you, and I am. I packed you a lunch for work tomorrow. Please take it with you and eat it. At least you can get a good lunch if nothing else. I also have a few hours tomorrow that I can take off of work to help out with your mother. So you can get a break." Alana offers.

"Thank you, babe. That means a lot. My mind isn't even on work at the moment. I am just so scattered. " Thomas says.

"It's ok, How is your father doing with all this?" Alana asks.

"He is doing pretty good, he has been doing his share as well which surprises us all. He spends a lot of time with her. Reading to her and talking to her. They seem to make peace with each other and what took place years ago." Thomas states.

"That's good, it's about time. It's just sad it had to be this late." Alana answers.

"I know. I am glad we didn't do that. I am glad for a lot of things." Thomas comments.

"You didn't hold it against me, I still sometimes wonder how you didn't. I know I didn't do the right thing." Alana replies.

"I was very mad and hurt by it all. I just think at the time I let my ego rule over everything else. I had to win my point and you back. I was fueled by my ego if I am being honest, and fear." Thomas admits.

"I am sorry Thomas. I really never meant to hurt you. I know that doesn't make it better but I swear it wasn't my intention." Alana says.

"It's the past, it's been a long time ago. Your still here, and I see you want to be. In some ways it made us stronger, it's just sad I had to see my world crumble in front of me to see what i wanted." Thomas answers.

"Same," Alana replies.

"I'm going to bed babe, I am so tired. I am just beat." Thomas responds.

"Night, get some rest." Alana says.

Alana just looks at Thomas and knows he has been through his share of grief in his lifetime. She feels sorry for him, and sorry she did hurt him, but in a way, if she didn't do what she did she would never know real love, real passion. What things were supposed to feel like. It was a hard situation, and like Sr. said no one wins.

She just knew Thomas needed a break, and she would do her best to help him. It was time for her to repay him, and that she would do. 

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