Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

Alana walks home, just thinking about everything Luke just did to her. How she wanted more more, how she craved him. She never felt like this before and she wanted more of it. She just walked home thinking if his hands, and mouth felt like this, what would the rest be like? What would it feel like to make love to him fully?

She loved spending time with him, talking to him, everything so far was more than she ever imagined. She couldn't wait to see him again, to touch him again. She wanted so much more of him. This whole thing was crazy.

Luke just rides home feeling the same, could this be? Could he feel this way about another person? He wanted her and bad yet he did hold back trying to make sure neither of them did something they would regret. The thing was when he was with her, he didn't regret it. He didn't even see anyone but her. He just knew that when he would go home and see his wife, that might be a little different then. His emotions were still all over the place he was torn in how he felt about both women, just at the moment, he needed one more than the other.

"Hey baby, I am just thinking about you. Are you home safe?" Luke says.

"I am just getting in, all I can think about is you....and your touch. I want so much more of it. It took everything I had not to just leave there with you tonight." Alana admits.

"I feel the same, I just want to make sure you don't regret it. Are you really sure about this?" Luke asks.

"Yes, I think I would have more regrets if I didn't go through with it. I want you so bad." Alana says.

"Ok, I feel the same. Just thinking about where my hands were tonight, I am still very much turned on, I held back but I wanted to rip your clothes off and have you right there." Luke admits.

"I wanted the same but I knew we couldn't. I wanted you to just take me." Alana confesses.

"Oh babe, I will trust me. Nothing will stand in my way the next time. You need to be ready for anything." Luke replies.

"If I can get you alone, you might be in for it," Alana responds.

"I will love every minute of it." Luke comments.

"I bet. Please drive carefully." Alana says.

"I am. I will be home soon. Go in so he doesn't notice anything and I will talk to you later." Luke states.

"Ok, Hugs, and kisses." Alana answers.

"Same, lots of kisses," Luke responds.

Alana opens the door seeing her husband and son playing video games on the sofa. She says hello and just walks into the kitchen. Knowing what she just did wasn't really the greatest. Thomas was a lot of things but she still felt a bit guilty, she sees why Luke asked if she would regret it. Then she thinks about how Luke makes her feel, how they are together, she never had this before and she would be stupid to let it go. Her marriage is lacking in many area's, no matter how hard Thomas would try it would never equal what she has with Luke, which thinking about it, was very sad. She and Thomas shared so many years, so much history, and a man she just met can do more for her than he ever could. She would just have to put the quilt on the side and not let it get to her. If Thomas was giving her what she needed and wanted, she wouldn't have to do this. Not that, that made this any better.

Luke continues to drive home, still very hot from everything. The thoughts keep going round and round in his mind, and if he is honest with himself he now regrets not going all the way.

He gets home, seeing no one is home yet, he texts Alana telling her he just go in so she doesn't worry. Then goes straight to the shower, getting in and needing to take care of himself. He touches himself and thinks about it being her instead, how he wants her hands all over him. Tonight he touched her, in her most intimate spots, he wants her to do the same to him. Needing her touch, her body. He can't believe how she makes him feel, how he wants to be with her, not only sexually but in every other way. It takes him no time to release himself. He knows when he gets the chance to do this for real, it's going to be something.

Luke heads to his bedroom seeing his wife is now home, she walks by him saying hello and heading to the bathroom herself now. He knows what he just did, was wrong. What he is thinking is even worse. She is innocent working long hours and here he is, trying to get laid with someone else. His high from tonight goes down a bit as he slides into bed. It just makes him think if he is doing the right thing after all. They haven't even really had sex yet, what would he feel like after he did. He knew this wasn't going to be easy, as high and happy as Alana made him, his unfaithfulness, bothered him greatly.

He lays down and tries to close his eyes, not wanting to see Whitney when she got out of the shower.

Alana stays in the kitchen getting a snack and giving some food to Thomas and Tommy. She acts as if everything is normal, everything is the same. Knowing deep down that is farther than the truth. She stays for a while with both of them, watching them play. Seeing how happy her son is, which makes her feel worse. She gets up and goes to take her shower, just thinking about Luke, how happy he makes her. She knows she is going to have to have two lives. Others have done it, so can she.

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