Chapter 151

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Chapter 151

Ten years go by, Lucia is now 11 years old. Time has flown by, Thomas and Alana are still together, putting all that happened years ago behind them. Neither of them really forgetting but both forgiving.

For Thomas, it's not on his mind like it used to be. He sees that Alana has moved on, and stayed with him making this marriage work the best it could. The thought of losing it all for Thomas changed him in a lot of ways, having the wake-up call, he really needed to have. Their son is an adult now, growing up to be a smart, caring, young man. He works with his mother at her Vet office, as a Vet tech and studying for his degree to become a Vet like his mother. Both having a love for animals, both having that caring, nurturing nature.

Thomas sees how Alana has grown into the woman she always wanted to be, and in a way always was. He is proud of her and doesn't mind her working at all. She bought the old vet office she used to work at. When the old man retired, she just took it over, her and Judy. Their son also working with them and seeing how he wanted to do this just like his mother.

Alana is proud of herself also, she is happy in the skin she is in now. She spends a lot of time working but also tries to spend as much time with Lucia and even Thomas. Not wanting to miss anything Lucia does, at the same time, trying to be herself. The vet has blossomed, for her. Being everything she wanted and more.

For her marriage, she is happy for the stability, happy for her children, even in some ways happy with Thomas. She knows things are missing and always will be, but in the end, Thomas was the one to take her, protect her, and be there for her. It's something she will never forget.

They try to keep the marriage alive and have a date night at least once a week. Thomas not going back to his old ways, with sex. He goes after Alana, and when she is busy and forgetting he doesn't make her. He knows what took place the last time, and doesn't want anything like that happening again. He tries to keep things spicy and a bit fun. He does see that over the years Alana just goes along with it to make him happy now. He sees a lot of the romance and lust she was looking for faded away as Luke did.

He sees she put a lot of herself into her work, drowning the thoughts of Luke away. Thomas notices a lot, as he isn't dumb or in the dark as he was before. He just knows she isn't going anywhere, and their marriage is safe.

Alana's feelings for Luke, stayed with her all these years. From time to time, as she would look at Lucia and see his face in her, she would think, what if? How he is doing? Is he ok? Does he ever think of her? Then does her best to shrug it off knowing, if he really cared he would be here with her now, not Thomas. It's been hard, but Alana has grown a lot in many ways. She doesn't see Thomas as a sexual being, as Thomas felt, those desires have long gone.

The romance she once longed for, the connection, love, sex wasn't really a part of her anymore. Knowing she could not ever have that with anyone else as she did with him. In ways, Luke made her cold, not really wanting it anymore. Thomas tries but the sex was nothing like it was with Luke. The feeling of needing, and wanting, the feeling of can't live without wasn't there. She just never wanted to hurt Thomas again and goes along with his weekly dates and sex. She is happy with Thomas just in other ways. He was raising Lucia, being a wonderful father to her. Giving her everything she needed and wanted and that is all Alana could ask for. Alana loved Thomas but for different reasons than he loved her. She wasn't in love with him. She hasn't been for many years even before the affair.

Just at this time, she stands by him, as he did her. She knows he could have walked out on her, and treated her horrid. Yet, he didn't. They built this family, home, and everything they had and she was thankful for it all.

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