Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

A few more weeks go by, and the private I is still following Alana, seeing that every Thursday is the same. Luke comes down to see her, they have sex and go out to dinner, spending the whole night together. Then she would go home as if nothing took place.

Mr. Duggan would give Thomas the updates every Friday, making Thomas's anger just build up inside of him. He saw that she would spend the rest of the week with him, and Tommy and things were calm. It was the only thing keeping him quiet at the moment. He does catch her here and there messaging on her phone, being distracted, he knows who and what it is, and just does his best to pay no attention.

He knew this was revenge on her part as well, he knew in the past he hurt her, and she was getting him back tenfold. He just hopes it would get old, or something would change, because from what he is seeing she is very into Luke, and he was the same with her.

His only confidant is his father that he tells everything too, it gives him an outlet, at the same time, it makes his father dislike Alana even more for hurting his son. Sr. just keeps that to himself, knowing that Thomas is going through enough on his own.

He visits him during the week now giving him updates and getting closer to him. They are now not only father and son, but best friends. Leaving his mother out of this, knowing she would never be able to keep things quiet, it wasn't her on anything.

"So how is it going, son? Things any better?" Sr. asks.

" The last few weeks she has been with me and Tommy. We have out nights out and dinners every night like we use to. I try to get her to play some games with us, so she isn't on that damn phone as much, but I still catch her here and there. "Thomas says.

"What has the investigator said? Are they still seeing each other? You do know pushing her into this isn't going to work either. If she really wants the other guy, nothing you do is going to work. There is so much you can use Tommy for. I don't want to hurt you, but you need to be ready for that or anything." Sr. Admits.

"Mr. Duggan said they see each other every Thursday, sex, and dinner. Something more sex than anything, sometimes in the car...or at a hotel. Where ever they can. The thought and images make me sick. I know I can't push it on her, but I have to do something. I am trying to make her see how we can have it. That there is something here to fight for. Not just sex. We have so much more than what Luke is offering her, and she just needs to wake up and see it." Thomas spats.

"That is your opinion son, not how she feels. Yes, you two have a family, a marriage, but that's all. In a few years your son will be grown, and out of the house. Your marriage was lacking to say the least before this after your son leaves it will be even worse. You two don't even seem to have anything in common anymore. What is the point for her to stay? I know I don't want to see you two split for many reasons, but I am also seeing the full view of this." Sr. confesses.

"How did we fall so far? I am trying to let her see that we can have what she wants if she gives me the chance. It's hard for me right now, I want to try and at the same time, I have this deep anger towards her. I just try to hide it, and pretend nothing is happening but deep down I could wring her neck and kill him." Thomas admits.

"That is just natural, but your not doing either of those things. That is good, I don't even know how you're keeping your calm around her. You're a better man than me. I would have beat the shit out of her, and told him to stay away or else." Sr. Confronts.

"Where would that get me? I did lay my hands on her, by mistake that one time and she never let me forget it. It pushed her so far away from me, and into his arms. If I go to him, about anything, she will know that I know what is going on, and I don't want that. If this fails between them we will just go on as if nothing took place. I fear if I open my mouth, she will use it to leave."Thomas answers.

"Son I never have seen you like this." Sr. Replies.

"I know, I am not normally like this. I just know that I caused most of this, and I don't want to lose it entirely, not if I don't have to." Thomas answers.

"She is making a fool out of you, and it bothers me. I know you were not the best husband in the world but I think she has taken it a bit far. I have cheated on your mother in the past, I just knew I had no intention of leaving her, It was just for sex. I am not so sure your wife feels that way. Its what worries me." Sr. states.

"It worries me too, It seems that Luke's wife is in the dark as well. So I doubt he wants to leave her. " Thomas replies.

"I hope so. Its already been a year they been doing this shit, how much longer can it go? How much longer are you going to let it go over your head?" Sr. asks.

"For as long as I have to. If its just sex, it should be over soon. If he doesn't want to leave his wife, it should be over soon. Something Will have to come to ahead. I don't see it staying like this." Thomas responds.

"You're hoping anyway. Some affairs can last for years, when they really care for each other, they might not leave their spouses for certain reasons, but they don't leave each other either. They just wait for the other to pass, and then go together. It has happened more than once." Sr. Announces.

"Well if I am dead I guess It doesn't matter anymore, Does it?" Thomas spats.

"Good God Son, you sure did get yourself in a pickle." Sr. comments.

"Yea, I see this more and more." Thomas replies.

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