Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

Two months go by, Alana doing her best to make the best out of the situation. Thomas taking them out once a week as a family, making sure not to give up on this, even though he knows Alana still hasn't given in to him. He knows and sees he is going to have to work for it, and also show her its not a game. That he really means this and wants this.

Alana tries to make some of the dates on a Saturday, giving her some free Thursdays to see Luke. Their relationship still very hot, and loving. Just it seems their real relationships get in the way of them seeing each other as much as they like.

Whitney has been coming home a bit earlier, giving Luke a bit more time. Eating with him, and wanting to watch Tv with him at night. He likes spending time with her, and it makes him feel even worse when he texts and hangs out with Alana.

Luke is stuck in the middle, and not sure what to do, or even what he really wants. Thinking that if he has a chance to make it better with his wife, he should take it, then not able to let go of Alana either. He just knows this isn't fair to either of them. The allure of having an affair wasn't as fun as he planned. It wasn't all just for sex either. He made the mistake of having feelings for Alana, real true ones. Ones he never thought he would have towards a person.

He also knew that she loved him and never lied about it. He could see it in her kiss, in her touch, in everything they had together. He also knew that Thomas was trying his best to work this out. The thought of Thomas being intimate with Alana killed Luke in every way, at the same time, knowing that wasn't fair. Feeling that it might be a good thing if their marriage went back on track. They have a son together, it would benefit them all. He just saw that Alana paid no attention to Thomas or his advances. That made him feel even worse that he was trying to be with his own wife, and make it work.

He knew Brad was right, in everything he told him. This wasn't going to be easy and someone was going to get hurt. Even though they always said they wouldn't leave, it didn't seem to make things any easier. If he was all honest, it made things more complicated.

Alana knows that Luke has his come and go feelings. She just hopes that it doesn't push him away. It hurts her when she knows he is with his wife, eating and watching tv together. She wishes it was them together. She wanted so much to be able to do all the regular normal things a couple could do together. Just knowing their marriages were in the way. She knew from the start that Luke loved his wife, she thought she could handle that, that it wouldn't matter, but it did. She wanted so much more out of this relationship, she wanted him as her own. She just knows that will never happen, he isn't the type to leave. His quilt would eat through him.

She just figures, for now, they will have what they do. It was better than nothing. She just knew her life without him, would be empty and no matter how Thomas tried he could never compare. She was only staying with Thomas out of obligation and their son. She didn't even know how much longer she could keep that up. She did see how much Thomas tired, how much he wanted this. She just felt it was a bit too late. She couldn't force herself to feel a way she didn't. It was a lie.

This was supposed to be something new, exciting, and fun. She never experienced anything like it before. Just the reality of it wasn't as fun as she hoped it to be. She fell madly in love with Luke and wanted so much more with him in every way. This wasn't just sex, it was a friendship, a bond, a connection no one could ever really break, not even Whitney because no matter how much Luke loved her, he didn't have this with her.

It was a triangle, that could cause four people to get hurt, and at least the two main people to lose something they didn't want to. The fun was starting to wear off, and reality was a bitch.

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