Chapter 93

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Chapter 93

Alana gets no sleep, all she can think about is Luke. Her eyes are all puffy and she is at her lowest.

Luke isn't doing much better, tossing and turning in his bed, what the hell was he doing.

"Will you please stay still! You have been tossing and turning all night I can't get any sleep." Whitney says.

"I am sorry." Luke answers getting his pillow and going downstairs to the sofa.

He takes a seat, knowing he isn't going to get any rest.

The next morning comes before either of them know it and its time to go to work and pretend things were normal. Where for the both of them, it was far from it.

Thomas on the other hand, can't wait to talk to the private I feeling something more took place and can't wait to hear what it was. For the first time, in a long time, he had hope.

Thomas gets to his office and calls Mr. Duggan.

"Hey, what took place yesterday? She was extremely upset. I have never seen her like that." Thomas admits.

"I was just about to call you, it seems that he broke it off. His wife wants to "fix things" and he is going to try. It just seems he wasn't sure about it. He told Alana last night on the phone, so I am sure you saw for yourself her reaction." Mr. Duggan states.

"I sure did, she was hurt very much, but this is a good thing. Keep tabs on them both make sure they stay like this." Thomas replies.

"Will do. That is something that she showed you how she hurt. She couldn't hold it in." Mr. Duggan responds.

"I just happened to be there when he did it, I knew it was more than what she told me. It was written all over her. I am so relieved it's over. She will get over her hurt and things can go back to normal now." Thomas states.

"I hope so for your sake. Mr. Harris." Mr. Duggan answers.

Thomas gets off the phone, with a gleam in his eye and smirk on his face. What he was hoping for took place, and if he was at all honest, he was happy to see her so hurt. It was what she got for doing this to him, for not thinking about how badly he would hurt from this. It was his revenge without even taking any. He felt the happiest he has in months. He couldn't wait to tell his father.

Thomas stays at work and has a very happy day. Everything going his way, after work he stops over to see Sr.

"What's up? You walked in here walking on air?" Sr. says.

"He dumped her." Thomas answers.

"No?? Really?" Sr. says.

"Yep last night he told her it was over and she fell apart," Thomas says with glee.

"YOur happy your wife is falling apart over another?" Sr. asks.

"No, I am glad she is falling apart. I know that is mean but its how I felt all these months. It's her turn. She will get over it and be fine. Maybe now things can go back to normal." Thomas responds.

"It's going to take her a bit Thomas she really did care. Which I have to say doesn't look good. If he feels this way, he may take her back, this isn't over just yet." Sr. Reveals.

"Naw, it is. His wife wants to try again, make this better. He will with her and leave Alana alone. She has nowhere else to go, and she will get this nonsense out of her mind." Thomas hopes.

"I am glad your thinking positive for yourself, I just don't see things going back to normal as you put it." Sr. admits.

"I know she will hurt for a while, which only pisses me off but I can deal with it. No more fun Thursdays. No more texting, or sexting and all that shit." Thomas gleams.

"This sure made your freaking day I see." Sr. Laughs.

"Oh, dad, more than you know. How about a drink?" Thomas asks.

"Sounds great." Sr. responds.

Sr. sees that his son is more than happy about everything that had taken place. Sr. just hopes that it goes the way his son sees it. And even if it did, he won by default, not because she really wanted him, or wanted this life with him. Sr. saw it all as a fraud even more now than before.

His son wasn't thinking of the big picture, he was just thinking he won the game. Not that he still didn't win her heart and she still didn't want him. There still was no guarantee she would stay, or this didn't rock the boat even more than before. Just Thomas was gloating in his win. Where Sr. Saw more problems arising in one way or another.

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