Chapter 104

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Chapter 104

Luke is sitting at work, doing his best to put everything he has into it. For the last two months, it's all he has been doing is working. Trying to forget everything else that has taken place, and pretend everything is normal. The guilt he feels eats away at him, knowing that Whitney is now trying her best and he was the one to stray. He now had everything he was complaining about before. He just thinks if only he would have waited a bit longer, none of this would have taken place. He went behind her back, and even hurt someone else he loved dearly in the process.

"Hey, what's up today? You still look like shit."Brad laughs.

"Not much is up, same old same old." Luke answers.

"I have to admit your not the happy go lucky guy you were when you were seeing Alana, "Brad admits.

"I don't feel the happy go, lucky guy. I know I hurt her, and deeply. I had to block her from everything because all she did was try to contact me, to try to get back to fix this. I want to but I can't. I want to make my marriage work." Luke states.

"How is the marriage going?"Brad asks.

"It's going well, Whitney is around a lot more, we have more sex. She even wants to start a family. I never thought she would go back to this. I think I gave up too soon on her, and I got myself in this mess. What bothers me most is that I hurt Alana and if Whitney ever finds out, I hurt her as well. I never meant for any of this." Luke replies.

"Are you happy though? You don't seem it." Brad responds.

"I don't know. I mean I thought this is what I wanted. I did want it. Just now all I think about is Alana. What we shared, what we had. But then it was just a fantasy, it wasn't real either. If we could be together for real every day I am sure problems would arise and it would be the same shit. We are better off to just stay with our spouses."Luke answers.

"You just are scared to take that plunge. Whitney wants to start a family, that means a child. Are you ready for this? You never really seemed to want a child." Brad comments.

"I am not overly happy about it no. I like being able to come and go as I please. She never wanted to have a child before, I was good with that. I like my freedom. I don't know what kind of father I would be. If I even really want to be one. She just all of a sudden wants everything at once." Luke says.

"Do you think she has an idea that something was going on?" Brad asks.

"I don't know, she never has said anything to me about it. And trust me she is the type that if she knew she would blast me. She doesn't think I am the type that would ever do such a thing. And I wasn't. I still can't believe I did." Luke answers.

"Damn bro, your more fucked up now than before. You were unsettled about this from the start. You should have just walked away. Then again you did, so leave it that way. Just move on with your life. You know your not the type that is going to leave Whitney and the life you have. Alana will get over it, she has her husband and own family." Brad replies.

"That is what I was thinking. She will be fine, and so will I. Thomas wanted her back in the worse way now he has her. Just if I am honest that thought hurts me. I am jealous of her with him, in any way. I always was." Luke admits.

"Than don't think about it. You have to move on. I am sure she didn't like the thought of you with Whitney either. You both just had to realize you were bound to someone else. You both always said you were not leaving your spouses, so now just let it go and walk away. I also suggest you never do anything like this again, your not very good at it." Brad laughs.

"Trust me, I have no plans on doing this again. I couldn't even if I wanted to, I would always think about Alana. I really do care about her." Luke confesses.

"I know man, just sometimes things are not meant to be. You have to move on, and let go. It was fun while it lasted. At least you both had it for a short time. Now it's back to reality." Brad says.

"Well, the reality is a bitch."Luke answers.

"Yea that is sure is." Brad nods.

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