Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Luke, holds Alana's hand as they walk down the street. Luke doesn't really care where she takes him, and he can't stop staring at her. Her beauty takes his breath away. He just wants to see what is under the black wool coat. He saw pictures, but now it was there right in front of him, was it the same? He sees the sparks are there, and the want to have her close to him. It makes him forget about everything else.

Alana, stares at him also, seeing the man she has been fantasizing about all these months in front of her. How tender and gentle his hand is in hers. How the sparkes are there just like they were online and he doesn't have to say a word. She also knows they just met, and there is a lot more to see, just at the moment, its like a dream that has come to life for both of them.

They get to the lighted street that says welcome to 13th street all in lights. The whole street glowing, from thousands and thousands of lights. The snow coming down lightly, just makes it look like a winter wonderland. Each house is decorated with lights and Christmas theme decorations. It's an amazing site to take in.

Alana just holds Luke's hand being as close to him as they walk down the magical street.

"This is awesome, no wonder you wanted to show me," Luke says.

"I know it's simple but I thought it would be something you would like." Alana answers.

"It is, and to be honest it's even better being here with you," Luke replies.

"I am really glad you came this time. I was hoping you didn't chicken out." Alana responds.

"I am still sorry I did the first time. It's just a hard situation, but I wanted to meet you and I wasn't letting my overthinking get in the way this time. I still can't believe how gorgeous you are." Luke comments.

Alana just blushes. "Thank you, I know the situation is hard, and not ideal just sometimes you have to take a chance anyway. There was just this pull to you." Alana admits.

"I know what you mean about pull, I have the same one. I couldn't seem to stay away from you no matter how hard I tried. I think it just made it worse."Luke confesses.

" I missed you like crazy when you did." Alana states.

"Same, let's just enjoy the night together," Luke says undoing his hand from hers and putting his arm around her.

Alana moves closer to him, walking down the street. It's only been a few minutes with him, and she already felt like home. Was this really happening? She was just going to go with the flow and see where it goes.

After walking down the lighted street, they walk themselves back to the corner they met on. Finding all kinds of restaurants and nightlife.

"Where too now?" Luke asks.

"Anywhere you want to go, there are several places here anything strikes your fancy?" Alana says.

"Besides you? Let me see, we both like pizza anyplace here that has some?" Luke comments.

"Yes, on the corner, its a bar and pizza joint. Their pizza is pretty good too."Alana states.

"Great, let's try it out," Luke replies.

They walk into a semi lighted restaurant. Luke back to holding her hand and not really wanting to let go. When they walk in they see the bar in the center of the whole place, and small tables surrounding it. It's dark and very romantic. The waitress offers them a table, putting them in a booth, then handing them the menu.

"Would you like anything to drink? The waitress asks.

"I would like a beer please," Luke says.

"I will take what he is having." Alana answers.

"Pepperoni pizza ok with you?" Luke asks.

"Yes, that would be fine," Alana replies.

The waitress leaves, leaving Alana and Luke together alone. Luke still staring at her, as she finally takes off her coat. Now he can see every curve, every inch of her sexy body, which just makes him want her more. He wanted from the start for that coat to come off, now it was and there wasn't any disappointment.

He also takes his puffed black coat off revealing himself. He was a casual dresser wearing a tee shirt with a plaid shirt on top and a pair of jeans, but he is slender and it only makes Alana blush knowing what is under those shirts. It might have only been pictures that she has seen but they were stuck in her mind.

They both sit there and talk about their day, and how happy they both are to finally meet. Luke does his best to keep the conversation going as he sees at times, Alana is shy. They enjoy their pizza, spending at least an hour or more in the restaurant together. The time now seeming to fly, as they both even forget about it, not caring too enwrapped in each other to care.

When its finally time to leave the restaurant Luke pays the bill like a gentleman. Then they both head outside putting on their coats.

"I had a wonderful time tonight...I wish it didn't have to end." Alana admits.

"Same here, it was more than I could have imagined it to be. We clicked just like we did online, maybe even more so." Luke states.

"Would you come back to see me?" Alana asks, needing to know.

"Yes, I can come back next week if you want?" Luke says.

"I would like that very much. We can meet at the same place and take it from there." Alana answers.

"That sounds great," Luke responds just looking at her lips, wanting and needing to touch them, feel them.

They stand there for a few minutes just looking at each other, both wanting to kiss. When all of a sudden Luke can't hold it any longer, he has to know what it feels like. He lightly grabs her pulling her close to him, both looking into each other's eyes. Their mouths trace each other's, the heat building in each of them, as their mouths finally touch. Sparks fly in every direction. Their bodies move close to one another, and their arms go around each other's bodies. Luke pushes her up against the restaurant wall, as the kiss increases and gets hotter and hotter. His hands going under her coat to feel her warm body, they go up and down her back, as his tongue engulfs her mouth.

Alana is soo taken in never experiencing any of this before, she feels herself heat up in every way moving her body closer to his, as her hands go through his hair and down to his neck. The kiss lasts at least twenty minutes, neither of them wanting to stop, but times is getting close so they have to.

They break the kiss both trying to catch their breath. Luke putting his head on her shoulder to try to compose himself.

"I don't want to leave, but I know I have to," Luke says.

"I don't either but we have to. Next week right?" Alana answers catching her breath.

"Yes, for sure." He states.

He goes to kiss her lightly again before having to leave. He starts to walk away going to his car when Alana runs after him.

"Wait..." Alana says.

Luke turning around, seeing her standing there he goes right back to her, putting his arms around her and holding her tight.

"It's just a week, we can do this," Luke says as he holds her.

"I know, I just don't want to let go." Alana answers.

Luke nods his head, and kisses her forehead, knowing if he went for her lips again, he would never leave.

Their hands let go of each other, and Luke gets into the car. They smile at each other, as Alana crosses the street to go home, and watches as his car pulls away.

As they both head home, they both feel an emptiness inside of them, like a part of them is missing.

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