Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

Friday morning comes bright and early, Alana is off to work not even looking at Thomas as he heads out the door for his trip. Thomas notices and stops her before she hits the door.

"Alana, can I talk to you for a minute?" Thomas asks.

"Sure but make it quick, I have things to do at work." Alana answers.

"I know today is Valentine's and I won't be here for it. So I figured I would give you my card and candy now before I left." Thomas states.

Alana just looks at Thomas a bit lost as in the past, he always would forget and think it was a waste of time.

"You look a bit shocked," Thomas adds.

"I am if I am honest. You never really do anything for Valentine's, its a waste remember?" Alana replies.

"I am trying to be more of what you want. If you like, when I come back we can go out to dinner?" Thomas asks.

"We will see. Thank you for the card and Candy. I am sorry but I don't have anything for you as I didn't think we were celebrating it." Alana admits.

"That is perfectly ok, I know I haven't always in the past, so I understand and it's fine. I hope you have a great day together." Thomas says.

"Thank you, same to you," Alana responds heading out the door.

Thomas sees that Alana really didn't care, either way, that is she very different from the person she used to be. He knows he has a lot to do with that. It saddens him, but he knows he has to keep trying for this to work. When he comes home he will see if he can get her to go out to dinner with him. He will see if he can build something from there. Hoping it really isn't too late to fix this.

On the other hand, Alana heads to work happy, a little confused about what Thomas was doing but trying not to think about it. She was excited for tonight to be with Luke. It's all she could think about.

She gets to the vet clinic, placing her large handbag filled with items for the two days, under her desk. Judy can see she is filled with happiness and excitement. She just stares at her and lets her enjoy the moment, knowing that she never had any of this with Thomas.

As the day goes on, a delivery boy walks in the vet holding two dozens of Red long stem roses.

"May I help you, sir?" Judy asks.

"Yes, I am looking for Alana?" The delivery boy answers.

"Sure, I will get her," Judy states walking into the back of the vet office.

"Alana there is a delivery for you out front, you need to go get it," Judy says with a large smile, trying not to give the surprise away.

"For me? I never get deliveries." Alana says walking out seeing the Roses.

"May I help you?" Alana asks.

"Yes, These are for you, Have a very happy Valentine's." The Delivery boy says.

Alana just looks at the two dozen roses in shock, this was a first for sure. She sees the card and goes straight to see who they are from.

Hey babe, I can't wait for tonight. Happy Valentine's Day, I hope these make you smile. Love you, Luke.

Alana just smiles a big bright smile, smelling the roses, as she places them on her desk. Knowing she has to hide the card but wanting to keep it, she places it in her desk.

She goes straight to her phone, to text Luke.

"They are gorgeous, thank you so much, you made my day. Love you too." Alana says.

"Your the one that is gorgeous, your also very welcome. I was hoping they would make you smile. See ya tonight sexy." Luke replies.

"They did, and I can't wait," Alana responds.

"Well, he sure did start the day off right didn't he?" Judy laughs.

"Yes, he did. They are gorgeous. I am going to have to leave them here so Thomas doesn't see them through. That part sucks." Alana answers.

"That would be a smart idea, he doesn't need to see these. It's just too bad he never did anything like this for you, on any occasion. I have to say Thomas has a lot to learn. I can see why you like Luke so much, he is nothing like him." Judy comments.

"Thomas gave me a card and candy this morning, it was a big surprise. I see he is trying, but for me, I don't think I can go back, or want to. At the same time, I am trying not to be too mean. It's just hard since someone else is making me so happy. I kind of see Thomas more of someone in my way." Alana admits.

"Wow, that's not a good sign for Thomas. I just don't want you to get hurt. Keep acting like everything is ok. If this fails, you still have Thomas to rely on. You still have your family even though it's not exactly what you want. You don't want to destroy everything you have either." Judy states.

"I know, the only thing we really have is stability for our son and our home. I know things are complicated, I am just trying to have fun and do the things I never got to do. Luke makes all of that easy. We just get each other, it's just too bad we had to meet like this." Alana says.

"Nothing is ever perfect, there is complications in everything. It's called life." Judy responds.

Alana just shakes her head and goes back to work. Every time she walks by the roses, she smiles. Even if it only lasts a short time, she can at least say she had it. At least for this moment in time, she was happy. She was going to enjoy it. 

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