Chapter forty four

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Chapter 44

The day goes on for both of them and Thanksgiving is over. Everyone at Alana's goes home and she cleans up everything, keeping all the leftovers. Thomas and Tommy sitting on the sofa watching tv together. Everything was calm, the day went pretty good, as everyone ate and stayed neutral. She knew what she told her mother probably surprised her. If Alana was being honest, it surprised her as well.

After she cleans up, she watches some tv with her family, there weren't any phone texts to run off too and Alana was trying to set herself free, feeling Luke was drifting away and would only go farther and farther away from her. She didn't see it going anywhere now and figured the friendship would fade as well.

It hurt her very much but there wasn't anything she could do. She felt she couldn't make someone want her if they didn't. Plus she was wanting a man to cheat on his wife, how could she hate him for being a real man and not going through with it? That just made her care for him more.

She stays a few hours with her family before heading to her own room to go to bed.

For Luke he stays at his parent's house for a bit, then drives home. Whitney going straight upstairs and him going into his office. Sitting there just thinking about everything that Brad said to him. Was he going to man up and meet her? OR just let her go? He knew he couldn't just let her go, he has been trying for the last month and he just couldn't. There was this attraction, this pull to her, and he wasn't quite sure what it was. He just knew it was there. Brad was right, just meeting for coffee or a drink would be fine. They were both adults and it didn't mean they were going to have sex the minute they saw each other. He did know they talked a lot about sex, and what they would do to each other, what they wanted to do to each other. Its what made him wonder if things would take a turn even if they were behaving?

The more he sits there the more, he can't help himself but give in, he knows he owes her an explanation for all his staying away. He knew she didn't let him go even though he was being a fool lately. After all this, would she even still want to meet him? Or would she tell him to go to hell?

Either way he needs to know, he gets the courage to send her a message.

"Hey, how did your Thanksgiving go? I know its late, I just wanted to talk." Luke says.

Alana is in bed, when she gets the message, a bit shocked, and a bit happy. She couldn't deny she missed him even though she thought this was over.

"It was pretty good, no fights everything went normal. How was yours? I am surprised to see your message." Alana answers.

"It was ok. No fights here either. I know I haven't been messaging you a lot lately. I have had a lot on my mind." Luke replies.

"I don't talk to you much at all anymore. Once a week if that, a few emails here and there. If you're not wanting this anymore, I would like for you to let me know." Alana responds.

"I know, with how I been acting your probably fearing the worse. I have been going crazy thinking about us and my wife. I don't want anyone to get hurt in this, just no matter how much I try to stay away from you, I can't. I miss you like crazy." Luke admits.

"I miss you also, I never lied about my feelings, I always told you I liked you a lot. I can't help it. I also know you were honest with me, and told me you might not be able to do this. It just bugged me when you stayed away. I missed talking to you, sharing things with you. It's not only sex for me." Alana confesses.

"It's not for me either, even though I have to admit I have missed that as well. I think it's about time we just meet and see what this is. If we don't both of us are always going to wonder. We need to see if we feel like this in real life." Luke answers.

"Are you going to go through with it this time?" Alana asks bluntly.

"I guess I deserved that. Yes, I am this time, I promise. Just two friends meeting, that way no regrets but we can still see if there is anything between us." Luke comments.

"I think its great idea, I would love to meet you, and yes just as friends. Starting next week, there is a street that puts up all Christmas decorations, I would love to take you there and show you. It's only a block away from the coffee shop. We can maybe meet after work?" Alana suggests.

"That sounds very nice, I would like that. It will take me forty-five minutes to get to you. I will come straight from work, and meet you near the coffee shop, and you can take me where ever you want." Luke says.

"That sounds great, its strip so if you see somewhere else you want to go just let me know. There are all little restaurants, and bars. It's lively and fun." Alana replies.

"I can't wait, what time do you have to be home?" Luke asks.

"About eight. I know that is early but I never stay out later than that, he will know something is up." Alana answers.

"That's fine it works for me too since I will have a forty-five-minute ride back. We should have some time from 5:30 till 8." Luke responds.

"Yes, I have to say I didn't think this was going to happen. I thought you were going to ghost me and it would be over." Alana reveals.

"I am not going to lie, I thought about it, but like I said. I just can't." Luke explains.

"I want you to be honest with me at all times, if you change your mind just tell me, no ghosting or staying away. Just say it." Alana proposes.

"You have a deal." Luke answers.

They continue to talk to each other, for hours like they have in the past. Both of them very excited about this meeting. They both wanted it, they both needed it to move forward in either direction.

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