Chapter 183

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Chapter 183

"You two seem to have a lot in common," Whitney says.

"Yes, she is into computers like I am and getting her degree. It's nice talking to someone that is into the same things as I am." Luke answers.

Whitney knows that is a dig to her since she never listens to him. She just ignores him, as usual just this time not wanting to start anything while the guests were there.

"I hope you enjoyed dinner, it was great having you guys over. I am sorry your husband had to miss out." Whitney says.

"It was great, and I thank you for having us. If it's ok, can I use your bathroom before leaving?" Alana asks.

"Of course. Luke will show you where it is." Whitney says.

They both look at each other, trying to pretend that everything is normal, that what they both feel inside them, isn't there. "It's right through here," Luke says showing her and placing his hand on her back not able to not touch her in some way.

The attraction was still there, he saw her just as beautiful, and sexy as he did all those years ago. He just can't believe she is standing in front of him again.

While heading through the hallway to the bathroom, Luke can't hold back.

"She is mine isn't she?" He asks.

"You didn't want to know then, why do you want to know now?" Alana answers.

"I know you're mad, you have every right to be. I want you to know there isn't a day that went by I didn't think about you. And I did want to know, just so many things got in the way." Luke reveals.

Alana doesn't know what to answer, her heart is racing and she just wants to cry as she stares up at him. Why now? So many things are racing through her mind, she just tries to hold it in and put everything together. Now seeing he had a child with his wife at the same time.

"Thank you for showing me the bathroom," Alana answers going inside and just taking a seat on the toilet to catch her breath.

After all these years the chemistry was still there, she still wanted to just wrap her arms around him and not let go. Seeing him and Lucia together was special, she never thought they would get to meet. She just sits there and trembles knowing she has just a little longer to get through this. She had to keep herself together. This was crazy and too much to deal with all at once. Her brain is just in overdrive. She wasn't sure to hate him or still care about him.

She just thinks, she sat there talking to the woman she screwed over, and it makes her feel sick to her stomach. This woman had no clue, how much she was in love with her husband. How much she yearned for him all these years. How much she wished she was his wife. Never knowing her before, just the image of her, now seeing the real person was different. She did hear out of her own mouth that she wanted her career, he never lied to her. Just things became more confusing more real.

Alana throws some cold water on her face and takes a deep breath into the mirror. She could do this, she says as she pats her face with a towel. It smells of him, the cologne he wore so many years ago, that she would go home reeking of. The one that made her feel close to him when he wasn't around. His scent left on her after each time they made love. It just makes her legs wobble and her heart hurt. She just wants to cry, and crawl into a ball, she just knows she can't.

She opens the door and goes back into the living room, seeing Tom is getting ready to leave. This makes her feel a lot better. It was almost over.

"Thank you again for having us, it was great meeting you," Lucia says to Luke.

"I will see you again at work young lady." Luke answers.

"You sure will. Thank you for the job." Lucia replies.

"Anytime." He says.

Alana overhears and just looks at him. She knows he isn't going away now, he is going to be in Lucia's life. Is this a good or bad thing? Will he tell her the truth? So many things go through Alana's already spiral mind. What was this going to do to her family? What was she going to tell Thomas?

She tries to calm herself down as she says her goodbyes and heads out the door picking up her purse.

"It was nice meeting you, Luke says as his hand touches hers."

Alana closes her eyes, "Same." she replies.

Walking down the stairs and into her son's car. A relief hits her as they drive away. She just stays quiet and tries to piece everything in her own mind together.


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