Chapter 121

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Chapter 121

Alana heads to work, with a lot on her mind. First, she kept thinking about this morning, what was with Thomas? Why did he keep saying this was his? And if you want Anal sex come to me? How did he know, she wanted that? She never opened up to him with that or anything else she really wanted to try. Not to mention he was rough, and just took her any way he wanted her, that wasn't like him at all. It was as if he was trying to get out anger and frustration, just using sex to do so.

Did he know something? Did he find something out? Just if he did why wasn't he just coming out and saying it? None of it made any sense to her.

She was also worried about Wednesday, he wanted to be there for the ultrasound, and she knew the date wouldn't be lining up with when they had sex at all. She knew she had to talk to the doctor beforehand.

She calls her doctor's office leaving a message for her doctor to call her before. At lunchtime, her doctor does.

"Hello, Mrs. Harris. What can I do for you? I know your appointment is on Wednesday." Doctor Lee says.

"Hi, I have something very important to talk to you about, I hope you can help me with it." Alana answers.

"I am sure, I can. I have been your doctor for years. What is the problem?" Dr. Lee Asks.

"I am coming in for an Ultrasound, to see how far along I am in this pregnancy. My husband Thomas will be with me for this." Alana replies.

"I am so happy for you, its been a long time since you had a child, I didn't think you were? The last time we talked in my office you told me no more children?" Dr. Lee responds.

"It wasn't planned, it just happened. Things is when you tell me how far along I am, Please only make it a month, not three like I really am." Alana states.

"Ok, I will have to put the right thing on the chart....for when you go into labor." Dr. Lee comments.

"I need for you to make sure it's not findable even in the chart, I know this is a weird request but I need for it to be our secret. My marriage depends on it. I do not want Thomas to know the real due date. I am sure this will be the only appointment he goes to, so the rest we can discuss the truth, just this time, please do not say the right due date." Alana informs.

"Ok, it's your health, and I have to follow your wishes. It will be a little hard when you give birth two months early Alana, it's not going to be that easy to hide. We will figure out something then, I just need for now things to stay calm. If you tell him the right due date, all that will be over." Alana admits.

"Ok, I will do as you say. I am not one to get in the middle of a marriage. I do ask that you make sure you really want to go through with this. You will have a huge lie on your shoulders for the rest of your life." Dr. Lee says.

"I know, I wanted to tell him, he said don't. So now I just want things to be calm and stay as they are. We are getting along really well, things are so complicated." Alana confesses.

"Most relationships are. I wish you luck and I will respect your wishes. I will see you on Wednesday Alana." Dr. Lee answers.

"Thank you so much, I knew I could count on you," Alana replies.

She gets off the phone feeling much better, at least she didn't have to worry. That didn't help the quilt she was carrying around with her though, but it was at least one less thing to worry about at the moment.

That night Alana goes home finding Thomas home before her, in the kitchen getting dinner ready.

"You are cooking?" Alana says.

"Yea, I figured I would help." Thomas answers.

"That's a first, I like it." Alana replies." Then I have to say there is a lot of firsts about you lately. This morning was surely one of them." Alana states.

"I didn't see you complaining. You were more than willing." Thomas smirks.

"I was taken mostly by surprise. I never have seen you like that before. What made you want to do that?" Alana asks.

"I saw the toy and I just went off. You don't need those, You have me. I do have to admit it was hot seeing you filled like that."Thomas admits.

"Are you up for it again?" Alana asks.

"I am sure I can redo that, maybe change it up a bit here and there."Thomas answers.

"Well, that sounds good." Alana says." I think I like this new you." She adds.

"Yea your trying to turn me into a horny old guy. It's working though, cause all day all I thought about was you over that damn dresser." Thomas confesses.

"Well, it's about time you got horny only took forty-five years." Alana laughs.

"Yea yea, get your kicks." Thomas laughs.

Thomas knows he wasn't completely honest about things. It wasn't the toy, it was Luke, the emails, the idea of her doing all those things with a stranger. It broke him this morning and he let her have it, just in a different way. A way he knew wouldn't hurt their marriage, the one he is so trying to work on.

He did see she was happy and liked it. So he was giving her want she wanted at the same time, having fun doing so. He just wishes he would have done this earlier before all this mess. It would have saved all this stress and aggravation.

He also sees that its been a few days and Luke hasn't made contact, he feels a little more release with that also. Maybe he finally let go.

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